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Bancha Thongkomol 11th May 2006 11:23 AM

Some Sword in Thailand
Hi all
I'm new menber
Stay in Bangkok Thailand
Poor in English :(
Love to study in Thai's Sword and have some

This is some Pic


all is my Sword

For more Pic

MABAGANI 11th May 2006 11:45 AM

Greetings Bancha Thongkomol!
Thanks for sharing your photos.
I'm becoming intrigued by the shape of the Thai swords and wonder how they handle in test cutting, dhafia beware...lolz
Don't worry about your English, you are communicating fine, we are for the most part collectors, learning and sharing, also.

Spunjer 11th May 2006 12:28 PM

welcome bancha!

i'm intrigued at the second blade... how old is it?

Ian 11th May 2006 12:49 PM

Welcome ...

Thanks for posting these pictures and the link to the Thai Blade Forum (unfortunately I don't read Thai). Very interesting pictures of some old blades. Do you know from which parts of Thailand these blades came? Is it possible that a couple of them may be Cambodian in origin?

Look forward to seeing more of your collection.



Mark 11th May 2006 03:09 PM


Very nice daab! Those of us who collect them are always hungry for information - about age, about styles, about manufacture. It is great to see such a nice historical collection as yours. :)

Bancha Thongkomol 12th May 2006 11:40 PM

They are many sword most from a Ayutthaya 75 KM Nort Bangkok Old Capital in 16C - 18C
The blades

Sword no 1 Top is from Ayutthaya 17C-19C this styles found in Thailand and Cambodia

Sword no 2 Is Rattanakosin ( Bangkok) Art on 19C

Sword no 3 From Chopaya river at Ayutthaya Prov. Some One Diving and Fount
I don’t Clean it so want to show Blade & Tang angle . This From How to Use
Thai use sword in Same Logic of Muay Thai (Not Sport) maybe like this

Titus Pullo 13th May 2006 05:48 AM

Hey! Thanks for the links! Incase you might like to know, I'm a Thai, too, and I love Thai Krabi-krabong, both with weapon (especially swords) and empty hand!

Oh, I almost forgot! You can call me Knot! That's what they call me in Thai.

Bancha Thongkomol 13th May 2006 11:58 PM

Hi Titus Pullo ........ My phone is 098107559

Sword 4 That about 500 year or more of Sukothai Prov.

D Wilke 14th May 2006 11:30 AM

Bancha, Yin dee don rap. Love the swords and even more than that the way you classified them by period. Would love to talk to you reference this. Will be in Thailand 3-23 July would like to meet and discuss swords. Can I call when I get into town?

Pope gern mai

Khun Dang

Bancha Thongkomol 14th May 2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by D Wilke
Bancha, Yin dee don rap. Love the swords and even more than that the way you classified them by period. Would love to talk to you reference this. Will be in Thailand 3-23 July would like to meet and discuss swords. Can I call when I get into town?

Pope gern mai

Khun Dang

The way to classified them by period

1. Matching the Royal's Sword If some part same
2. Histry Art of Thai in Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin(BKK) Period
3. Origin of Sword some from Chopaya river in Ayutthaya Prov
4. The Technical >>> How that Sword Made One in Ayutthaya Period The the middle Part of the is fat (like me :D) This Design protect the blade Out of the Handle

Yas Khun Dang can call to me

Sword 5 and 7 from Chopaya river in Ayutthaya Prov
No 7 ฟืก 8 We Call Hoa Pla Lod Blade (

Bancha Thongkomol 14th May 2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by D Wilke
Bancha, Yin dee don rap. Love the swords and even more than that the way you classified them by period. Would love to talk to you reference this. Will be in Thailand 3-23 July would like to meet and discuss swords. Can I call when I get into town?

Pope gern mai

Khun Dang

The way to classified them by period

1. Matching the Royal's Sword If some part same
2. Histry Art of Thai in Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin(BKK) Period
3. Origin of Sword some from Chopaya river in Ayutthaya Prov
4. The Technical >>> How that Sword Made One in Ayutthaya Period The the middle Part of the is fat (like me :D) This Design protect the blade Out of the Handle

Yas Khun Dang can call to me

Sword 5 and 7 from Chopaya river in Ayutthaya Prov
No 7 and 8 We Call Hoa Pla Lod Blade (

Titus Pullo 14th May 2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bancha Thongkomol
Hi Titus Pullo ........ My phone is 098107559

Sword 4 That about 500 year or more of Sukothai Prov.

thank you for the phone number! I might call you sometime.

Mark 14th May 2006 06:44 PM

Wonderful information! Can you elaborate a little on the technical aspects of dating daab? Is it mostly style (shape), or are there manufaturing methods or materials that can help date?

PS: Hi Dan! :)

jamesj975 15th May 2006 05:35 AM

period Classifiction
bancha as Mark says, how we figure out what period or place they are from is sawnchai maak. i noticed that the National museum used this period classification also, but there was nothing that explained it.

P.S. Hi back at you Mark, survived another 6 months and am heading home next week.

Khun Dang

D Wilke 15th May 2006 05:43 AM

Sorry was using my buddy's log-in on that last post.


Bancha Thongkomol 15th May 2006 12:12 PM

PUFF 15th May 2006 03:24 PM

I just talked with Khun Bancha yesterday...

For the questions, regarding to Dahbs ID, You will need to generalrize typical characteristics for Dahbs from different age and locale. So you will need to examine "population" of Dahbs.

Sometime, you will also need to associate "art" on the sword with other native stuff (pottery, temple etc.)

For Dahbs ID, Khun Bancha seems to use tang tyle/geometry, tang tilt, spine curve, edge curve, point style, tapering style, ratio between different regions, blade material etc.

In many case, he also ID from hilt and scabbard. Only problems s' that some blades are come with new hilt or scabbard (or both).

The story 's even more complicate. When some Dahbs were made to order and shipped to another city for sale. Smiths had produced the Dahbs in end-user style with a hint of the smiths characteristic. Another problem 's smiths themself migrated from one city to another (as prisoner of war).

To overcome these problems, you will need to study them for decads (which I think you were ;) ) and travel to many places in SEA (seems to be a some problem for you).

I, myself, lack of decades experience. So I will need to learn from Khun Bancha and his [Dahb expert] friends. I invited him to this lovely forum and I hope that you may pick up some idea from his collection :D

For Khun Bancha, is it better to show only one Dahb at a time with an extensive description about how did you get an idea for its age and locale.

Andrew 15th May 2006 05:02 PM

Khun Bancha:

Thank you for showing us some of your daab and sharing information.

I'm particularly interested in hearing more about the third sword from the bottom in the last picture you posted.


Angren 15th May 2006 09:39 PM

SabbaiDee! Do you now any Lao? ;)

Realy great swords! :)

RSWORD 15th May 2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bancha Thongkomol

As you can imagine, this picture with the lovely swords will generate many questions. Mine is in regards to the sword pictured on the bottom. I have a similar example, albeit, much shorter but with similar handle with the same brass nail work in the handle, same handle profile and blade has marking. I will post a picture of my example tonight for comparison purpose.

Bancha Thongkomol 16th May 2006 11:17 AM

Last pic

Top no 1 is Siver Sword can Found this Style in Central, North of Thai (Nan Prov.and around) and Lao

No.2 Central to North Style . We Call this Blade is Hoa-Mon

No.3 Form Lao the Handle is siver about 18C-19C We found this style in Lao's Royal Family (Viceroy)

No.4 (Central to North Style) - No 5 (Thai+Japnese Style) Comming Soon :) (I will go Home)

No.6 Cambodia Sword

Bancha Thongkomol 18th May 2006 10:55 PM

Sword no 4 19C Central+ North Style iron handdle
Sword no 5 19C Thai+Japnese Style masame hada made in Thailand

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