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Roland_M 9th August 2017 10:05 AM

Volz Weapons of Sumatra translated
5 Attachment(s)
Hello all,

Im so sorry, it took so much longer than expected.

Pretty unpleasent times for me, so me was unable to do something aside from my daily job.

But here they are, the translated Volz pictures. I did the best I can and I hope my work is not useless.

If there are any questions or suggestions, I will answer them as good as I can.

Sorry again and best wishes,

Sajen 9th August 2017 10:26 AM

Good work my friend! :cool:

Ren Ren 9th August 2017 10:40 AM

Thank you, Roland!

kai 10th August 2017 12:22 AM

Thanks, Roland!
Here's the full reference:

Volz, Wilhelm. 1909/1912. Nord-Sumatra. Bericht über eine im Auftrag der Humboldt-Stiftung der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren 1904-1906 ausgeführte Forschungsreise. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) [publisher].
Band I. Die Batakländer. 1909. XXI+396 pp. & 3 maps.
Band II. Die Gajoländer. 1912. XXI+428 pp. & 2 maps.

[if the German "Umlaute" don't display correctly: ue = ü; oe = ö; ae = ä]

Battara 10th August 2017 02:47 AM

Many many thanks for the great work! :)

CharlesS 10th August 2017 11:40 AM

Nicely down! Many thanks!

Miguel 10th August 2017 04:16 PM

Excellent, well worth the very short wait for which you have absolutely no reason to apologise. Well done and thank you very much.

Royston 11th August 2017 06:54 AM

VERY useful.
Thanks a lot.


Roland_M 11th August 2017 07:15 AM

Thanks to all for the very positive feedback.

This gives me a lot of motivation for more topics and I have a lot of things to show.

Best wishes,

kai 5th January 2019 11:32 PM

info from
For those looking for this publication:
Original copies of both volumes are usually quite expensive. Roland's scans here are of very good quality - gleaning more from the book without being well-versed in German may proove difficult.

For those who would like an affordable working copy, there are facsimile reprints available: Literaricon Verlag has both volumes (reprint 2015) and there are at least 2 other publishers also offering volume 2 (reprint 2013 and 2014). I can't vouch for the printing quality though.

I don't want to post any commercial links; if you have problems finding these online, just drop me a line...

I have only found the second volume online (Gayo), scanned from a recent facsimile reprint:

Here is a link to the first volume (Batak) which only offers snippets though:


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