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danny1976 11th December 2016 11:45 PM

Indonesian sword for discussion
6 Attachment(s)
Hi Guy's

This sword i did get last week with some other items i placed also on the forum
but it is a mind crusher :confused:

IMO , it is a Javanese( or maybe Madurese) pedang with great European/ Dutch influence .
Nice antler hilt / wooden scabbard that is covered with 3 silver sleeves / Indonesian blade with pamor / just nice and complete .

But also impossible to find info about a similar one or maybe i'm looking at the wrong places.

Someone a opinion or idea's??


Sajen 13th December 2016 07:59 PM

Hi Danny,

since nobody respond to your thread until now I will give it a try. It's a Javanese pedang IMVHO. Have a look here:


Henk 13th December 2016 08:29 PM

It is a Javanese pedang indeed. The european style pedang was worn by the guards of the kraton.

danny1976 13th December 2016 09:51 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Hi Sajen en Henk,

Thanks for responding .
My opinion was also that is is a Javanese pedang worn by the guards similar like the wear a wedung , i did search for some pictures of wedung and some have the same shaped clip /ornament .

For myself i was looking for more reference or pictures from a similar pedang because the most pedang's of this type that we see is what Sajen posted in the link. With replacement scabbards or hilt's and most of the time a worn old blade.

This pedang has a blade in good condition , no chips etc..and the scabbard and hilt are different and also in a better condition than what we see usual, so i was and i'm still looking for some more pictures or info to compare.


kai 13th December 2016 10:35 PM

Hello Danny,

Sorry, forgot to answer!


IMO , it is a Javanese( or maybe Madurese) pedang with great European/ Dutch influence
Yup, congrats obtaining this really nice pedang - I believe this example is more likely to be worn by nobility!

I can't offer a perfect match; IMHO it fits well with the variants encountered on Jawa though (the last 2 with variant blade types, too):


Nice antler hilt
Have a close look - might as well be ivory.

BTW, what are the chains made from?


kai 13th December 2016 10:54 PM

Hello Danny,


My opinion was also that is is a Javanese pedang worn by the guards similar like the wear a wedung , i did search for some pictures of wedung and some have the same shaped clip /ornament .
Good call: The decoration on some wedung scabbards really looks like the clip on your pedang scabbard! Thus, this may point to an origin in central Jawa.


Royston 14th December 2016 05:23 AM

6 Attachment(s)
A couple more. Old ( poor quality ) stock photos of two that I have had for years.

Pre -cleaning photos, but they do show that one has a local made pamur blade and the other a plain monosteel.

I have always thought that these were Javanese but obviously with European influence.


danny1976 14th December 2016 10:46 PM

Hai Kai ,

I did not test or clean the chains yet but i suspect that the are from silver also .

Royston , thanks for the photo's .
Nice swords ! The have even more European influence as we can see on the hand guard.

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