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Kubur 27th August 2016 05:52 PM

Do you have a Greek pistol?
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Hi Guys,

I have seen only two on the forum.
They are not rare on the market, but quite expensive.
My question is just:

do you have a Greek pistol, flintlock or percusion?
Only one rule, PLEASE post only

- Greek pistol
- Or pistol done for the Greek market

DO NOT POST any Balkans pistol as the thread will lose interest...


corrado26 27th August 2016 06:08 PM

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yes I had one, sold it last month!
corrado26 :D

rickystl 27th August 2016 08:50 PM

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Hi Kubur

Here is an interesting one. Normally associated with the Greek/Montenego market, this one has an Albanian Crest on top of the barrel.


Kubur 27th August 2016 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by corrado26
yes I had one, sold it last month!
corrado26 :D

How come you sold such beauty?
It should be a criminal offense!!

Kubur 27th August 2016 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Kubur

Here is an interesting one. Normally associated with the Greek/Montenego market, this one has an Albanian Crest on top of the barrel.


Hi Rick,

Well, first your pistol is just gorgeous. I love it.
Is it silver? It's a type that i wish to have.... Especially in such good condition.
Second, I don't think that your pistol was really done for the Greek taste.
When you look at old engravings and paintings of Greek uprising, or Elgood book, you can see a lot of Balkans / Ottoman weapons, swords, rifles and pistols. And I have no doubt that Greeks use your kind of pistol. But for me a Greek pistol is more like the one of Corona...
I shouldn't write for the Greek market but more for the Greek taste...
What our Greek friends think???


rickystl 28th August 2016 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Rick,

Well, first your pistol is just gorgeous. I love it.
Is it silver? It's a type that i wish to have.... Especially in such good condition.
Second, I don't think that your pistol was really done for the Greek taste.
When you look at old engravings and paintings of Greek uprising, or Elgood book, you can see a lot of Balkans / Ottoman weapons, swords, rifles and pistols. And I have no doubt that Greeks use your kind of pistol. But for me a Greek pistol is more like the one of Corona...
I shouldn't write for the Greek market but more for the Greek taste...
What our Greek friends think???


Hi Kubur.

Yes, the stock is one piece silver. The lower grade, which the proper name escapes me at the moment. In the photos the pistol needs a bit of a cleaning. But it's hard to clean and keep it that way.
I hesitated to post this pistol since reference material from Elgood, Tiri, etc. point to this style to the close proximities of Greece, namely Montenegro and other contingent locations. But I remember other references "loosely" calling these Greek pistols. But I've never thought this correct. I don't think it's ever really been confirmed which market these "spiked" silver pistols were directed towards. Maybe other Forum members have better information.
Anyway, I don't want to deter from your Thread any more than I have already. LOL
IMHO the pistol posted by Corrado26 is a textbook example of a Greek, or made for the Greek market pistol. And a beautiful one I might add. Wish I owned it.
As you mentioned, while not rare, the Greek pistols (and even the Palaskas and Suma Rods) tend to bring higer collector prices - often considerably more - than their typical Ottoman counterparts. It seems when they are offered for sale, they show up at the higher-end auction houses such as Christies, etc.
I hope we see some additional pistols posted to this Thread. I would be anxious to see them.


Kubur 28th August 2016 05:08 PM

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Hi Rick,

Here is the one that i just got for a good price.
Good price means problems: trigger guard broken and lock completely rusted...


rickystl 28th August 2016 10:08 PM

Hi Kubur.

The decoration on that pistol looks very Greek to me. Also note the butt cap and more straight grip. Different than the style Corrado posted here. The straighter grip and butt cap style were also popular with many Albanian pistols.

The lock looks like all the pieces are there (?). Do you have the broken piece of the trigger guard ? Or is it missing ?


stelio 30th August 2016 02:59 PM

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Hello my friends.
This is my new Greek flintlock pistol - kumpoura.
A example of first quarter 19th century.This example is heavy and mounted in solid silver with niello highlights of a fine quality workmanship.
Overall length -36 cm
Weight -1200gr
Some of the designs that has carved the respondent is: Two heads eagle, flowers, men's faces.

stelio 30th August 2016 04:25 PM

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More photos from pistol and a Greek silver ramrod - harbi

Sylektis 30th August 2016 08:21 PM

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Five more.

Kubur 30th August 2016 08:42 PM

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Originally Posted by Sylektis
Five more.

Stelio, Sylektis,

You are killing me!
I feel ashamed with my broken pistol!!
Guys, there is another kind that I dream to have, the Souliot one from Epirus.
I post one photo from Google for the other members who don't know what I mean...

Kind regards,

Sylektis 30th August 2016 09:03 PM

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Pistols for Souliotes, made by Greek or Albanian silversmiths.

stelio 30th August 2016 10:19 PM

I think the dream of every collector(Greek, Ottoman or Balkan) is a pair of these wonderful Greek art pistols Roka type.Sylektis thank you for sharing your collection with us.Kubur your pistol is very beautiful and even with them the small wounds.


Kubur 31st August 2016 06:37 PM

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Originally Posted by stelio
I think the dream of every collector(Greek, Ottoman or Balkan) is a pair of these wonderful Greek art pistols Roka type.Sylektis thank you for sharing your collection with us.Kubur your pistol is very beautiful and even with them the small wounds.

Thanks for your kind words Stelios.
I have one question for Sylektis, what is the function of the small ring on your gorgeous pistol?


Kubur 31st August 2016 06:44 PM

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Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Kubur.

The decoration on that pistol looks very Greek to me. Also note the butt cap and more straight grip. Different than the style Corrado posted here. The straighter grip and butt cap style were also popular with many Albanian pistols.

The lock looks like all the pieces are there (?). Do you have the broken piece of the trigger guard ? Or is it missing ?


Hi Rick,
Yes the lock is complete but totaly rusted, I don't know what to do...
Only a tiny part of the trigger guard is present.
It will be very difficult to find a Greek trigger guard and I don't want to put something else. So I think that i will remove the small bit, as far I know a lot of Ottoman and Greek pistols had no trigger guards...

stelio 31st August 2016 06:54 PM

Hi again!
The pistol of corrado26 and the first pistol of sylekti are similar to my own , i think they are manufactured in the same silversmith.


Sylektis 31st August 2016 07:48 PM

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Originally Posted by Kubur
Thanks for your kind words Stelios.
I have one question for Sylektis, what is the function of the small ring on your gorgeous pistol?


Probably for decorative purposes , as you see in this example.

stelio 31st August 2016 11:14 PM

To say that the chain except for decoration and was a practical way to insure valuable items .

stelio 1st September 2016 05:59 PM

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Two Greek pistols from Ioannina.

stelio 1st September 2016 07:31 PM

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Some photos in sunlight

stelio 1st September 2016 07:37 PM

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More photos

rickystl 3rd September 2016 05:49 PM

WOW !!!! What beautiful Greek pistols !!! Thank you all for posting these photos. Much enjoyed. Notice the Greek pistols tend to use sculptured style triggers on all/most of their guns. Seems to be a trademak in their design.

rickystl 3rd September 2016 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Thanks for your kind words Stelios.
I have one question for Sylektis, what is the function of the small ring on your gorgeous pistol?


I notice the ring is positioned to the rear of the grip area. I can easily picture a carrying strap attached to the ring and suspended around the shoulder having the pistol hanging along side just below the waistline for ready access.


rickystl 3rd September 2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Rick,
Yes the lock is complete but totaly rusted, I don't know what to do...
Only a tiny part of the trigger guard is present.
It will be very difficult to find a Greek trigger guard and I don't want to put something else. So I think that i will remove the small bit, as far I know a lot of Ottoman and Greek pistols had no trigger guards...

Hi Kubur.

Yes, I see what you mean. The lock appears to have heavy corrosion. You could still clean up the lock and barrel. Maybe a long soaking in some penetrating fluid, etc. Yes, removing the stub of the trigger guard would display better. Agreed, would look better with no guard in this instance.


iskender 7th September 2016 07:08 PM

some greek pistols
7 Attachment(s)
greetings , silver-stocks and niello , locks and barrels probably from brecia. 56 and 58cm long. Iskender

eftihis 8th September 2016 07:05 AM

Very nice examples!

BANDOOK 8th September 2016 11:44 AM

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Kubur 8th September 2016 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by iskender
greetings , silver-stocks and niello , locks and barrels probably from brecia. 56 and 58cm long. Iskender

They are so beautiful. Do you need both of them?
Please PM me if you need to do some space at home...

Kubur 8th September 2016 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by BANDOOK

Hi Rajesh,

I'll be annoying with you as I was with Rick.
But I don't think that your pistol is Greek.
It's a Mediterranean pistol for the Eastern market (basically from North Africa to Turkey).
If I was you, I'll remove this modern screw and put a bit wooden paste in the crack. Very nice barrel.

Best wishes,

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