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AHorsa 29th December 2015 11:14 PM

Left hand dagger
4 Attachment(s)
Dear All,

I recently got this dagger. It is a river finding and in corresponding condition. It is covered by a very thick patina/magnetite surface. I would very much appreciate your opinions about that piece.
Sorry for the weak images. IŽll reach in better ones at weekend.


cornelistromp 30th December 2015 09:15 AM

very nice parrying dagger of the so-called bolognese type. (cf Leonid Tarassuk, some notes on parrying daggers and poniards, metropolian museum journal 1978)

north of italy around 1550.
it is known where it was found?


Multumesc 30th December 2015 12:00 PM

Left hand dagger
Very nice, congratulations. :) ;)

AHorsa 30th December 2015 05:56 PM

Great Jasper! Thank you very much!

I donŽt know where it was found, but will contact the pre-owner the next days andŽll let you know.

Best regards!

ulfberth 31st December 2015 07:57 AM

Congratulations Andi,

a very nice dagger indeed, 16th century and most important, Original and all parts belonging together.
A pure piece !

kind regards


AHorsa 31st December 2015 11:34 AM

Thank you for your confirming statement, Ulfberth!

Kind regards

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