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Marcus den toom 24th July 2015 07:19 PM

A great man has walked the line
It is my sad duty to inform all of you of the passing away of our dear and good friend Michael "the Matchlock man" Trömner.

His good friend Armin König informed me of these sad tidings and told me he died yesterday peacefully in his sleep.

I don't know what to say other than that we have not only lost the foremost firearms expert of our era but also a great great friend and i am glad that i had the privilege to have known him for these past two years, not only as a teacher but also as my inspiration.

My condolences to all of you in these dark times.

"The Preacher Said Jesus Said"

Well with everybody tryin' to tell us what to do
You wonder how are you to know whose word is true
But the preacher just keep on a bringing us a very same word
And from St Paul to Billy Graham the same is heard
And the preacher said of truth Jesus said
(And Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life)
Well we can see that the world is full of greed
There's so much hate yet there is so much need
What should we do when no one seems to care
What can we do when there is no love there
And then the preacher said of love Jesus said
(Jesus said love Thy neighbor as Thyself)
Well please tell us the road we oughta go in such confusion how are we to know
And if there is a heaven show us to its gates
Oh you'd better tell us preacher before it's too late
And then the preacher said of heaven Jesus said
(Jesus said seek the first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you)
Well please tell us we can find a way to climb every mountain that we face every day
And time of troubles what to depend upon to be the truth and help us carry on
And the preacher said of trouble Jesus said
(Jesus said let not your heart be troubled if you believe in God believe also in me
In my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you
I go to prepare a place for you
And if I prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself
That where I am there you may be also)

David 24th July 2015 09:26 PM

So sorry to hear this. Thanks for posting the sad news.

Rick 25th July 2015 12:01 AM

I toasted Michael with Jaegermeister tonight .
If Saint Peter has an armory I'm sure he is there setting things straight .

M ELEY 25th July 2015 04:47 AM

A terrible loss to the antique arms community! He will be missed and we are lucky to have much of his knowledge preserved here-

cornelistromp 25th July 2015 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
shocked by this terrible news, a very special man is no longer with us.
rest in peace Michael.

honorable contribution in the spirit of Michael Trömner;
Der Tod reitet auf einem kohlschwarzen Rappen;
er hat ein undurchsichtige Kappen.
Wenn Landsknecht in das Feld marschieren,
lässt er sein Ross daneben galoppieren

Death rides a coal-black black horse;
He has an opaque cap.
when Landsknecht march into the field,
he lets his horse gallop next to them

kronckew 25th July 2015 09:26 PM

sad, he shall be missed. i too shall toast him with a shot of Jägermeister.

auf wiedersehen matchlock. Schlaf gut.

machinist 26th July 2015 05:02 AM

I too will miss him, it is a rare man that can devote himself to gaining and sharing knowledge on a subject like he did.

Bob A 26th July 2015 06:21 AM

I am a newcomer here, and gather only a glimpse of what I have missed from the tributes above. I am moved nevertheless, by this passing and others of my recent experience, to note, with sadness, the truth in the proverb: When an old man dies, a library is burned.

Matus 26th July 2015 08:35 AM

Ruhe sanft Michael.

drdavid 26th July 2015 08:45 AM

Very sad, a great loss, I loved his erudite posts

Andi 26th July 2015 09:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Chris my wife an I are really shocked and deeply depressed about this sad message.

In our holidays we visited Matchlock at his home in Abensberg only 18 days ago on July 7th and found him in a much better state of health as on our last visit one year ago. He was so active and had planned so many things for the next time. It was such a nice and informative afternoon with him and we exchanged a lot of ideas, information and files. We can not believe that this should have been the last time as we promised him to visit him nex year again.

It is such a great loss which can not be filled. There is so much knoledge passed with him - it is so sad......

Matchlock, may you find your peace where ever you are now!

On our next ocassion we will shoot a salute on him.

rickystl 26th July 2015 07:10 PM

I responded in the European Forum. A sad loss to one of the GREATS in the collecting community. RIP Michael.

Sajen 26th July 2015 07:45 PM

Sad news. Rest in peace.

TVV 27th July 2015 05:05 PM

Sad news indeed, my condolences to those members who were close with Michael. His knowledge and enthusiasm will be missed, but his research and legacy will live through his posts on this forum.

spiral 28th July 2015 11:36 PM

Ahhh Another great one gone... Ill crack a brew in your memory...

16 years on the net for me, & people who were familiar are going.. :shrug:

Hope the journey was good...


VANDOO 30th July 2015 01:34 AM


kahnjar1 30th July 2015 03:46 AM

R I P Michael
So much knowledge now gone for ever.......

fernando 1st August 2015 06:49 PM

in principle on the 6th August 11:00 o’clock, Michl’s urn will be buried in his Abensberg family grave.
Peace to his soul.

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