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Marcus 21st March 2015 09:46 PM

Golok or something else
6 Attachment(s)
The vendor advertised this as a Javanese Golok, late 19th or early 20 century. It seems a bit too refined to be classified as a golok, which I understand are typically more machete like. This reminds me more of a Pedang Lurus, except for the curved blade.

Sajen 21st March 2015 10:29 PM

Hello Marcus,
would call it golok. Very nice piece. :)


Amuk Murugul 22nd March 2015 01:08 AM

Golok Bengkoeloe / Bengkulu

Originally Posted by Marcus
The vendor advertised this as a Javanese Golok, late 19th or early 20 century. It seems a bit too refined to be classified as a golok, which I understand are typically more machete like. This reminds me more of a Pedang Lurus, except for the curved blade.

Hullo everybody! :)


Popularly referred to as: Golok Bengkoeloe / Bengkulu.

Common in southern Soematera (Sumatra), southern Kalamantan (Borneo) and among the Soenda (Sunda).


P.S. - Dating is correct: c. late 18thC - early 20thC.
- Similar to the European Hirschfanger/Hartsvanger/Forester's-sword in function. Often used to administer the 'coup de grace', especially by the Soenda when tiger-hunting.

kronckew 22nd March 2015 01:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
from the forum's ref section:

Marcus 22nd March 2015 01:48 PM

reference item
Very similar indeed. I had to look at close ups to be sure it was not the same piece.

kronckew 22nd March 2015 11:01 PM

the differences are very slight. mostly i noticed around the scabbard drag. the ref one is silver. i initially thought yours was oxidized brass, but now i'm not sure it's not tarnished silver...

Marcus 23rd March 2015 12:15 AM

It is silver.

kronckew 23rd March 2015 02:02 AM

even better match then, nice one.

you can be happy goloky ;)

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