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semar 27th January 2015 07:50 AM

keris for share
6 Attachment(s)
hello guys i like to show you a keris i found in the kampung 5 min away from me i pay 30 euro the blad is stil not clean and i get it back in a fuwe days and the scabbart need some restauration to

regards semar

Sajen 27th January 2015 05:48 PM

Hello Semar,

I am curious to see the keris with stained blade and some restore to the sarung. :)


semar 28th January 2015 08:34 AM

hello Detlef

Me to

David 28th January 2015 06:06 PM

Looks like you have an adeg (standing) pattern in the pamor. The hilt looks nicely carved, though the damage is unfortunate. Good luck bringing this one back to life. It looks like it will be worth the effort. :)

semar 2nd February 2015 08:04 AM

keris restoratie finisch
5 Attachment(s)
dapur kidang milar pamor tejo kinurung in solo name of the pamor( adeg wengkon tanghu mataram kayu timoho

regards semar :)

Jean 2nd February 2015 09:03 AM

Hello Semar,
Amazing refurbishing, congratulations!
Regards :)

semar 2nd February 2015 12:03 PM

thank you

I^m very happy with the result

regards semar


A. G. Maisey 2nd February 2015 12:22 PM

Nice job.

David 2nd February 2015 02:59 PM

Very nice indeed. :)

Sajen 2nd February 2015 04:52 PM

Very well done! :cool:

GIO 3rd February 2015 06:53 PM

Great result !

Marcokeris 3rd February 2015 09:33 PM

Beautiful work :)

Ganja Iras 5th February 2015 06:03 PM

Hi there ,

Well i am not the expert here ,but to me the blade is so perfect in dhapur .
I am very curious of it and all its parts .

Kind regards ,

Ganja iras

Roland_M 27th April 2015 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by semar
dapur kidang milar pamor tejo kinurung in solo name of the pamor( adeg wengkon tanghu mataram kayu timoho

regards semar :)

Hello Semar,

very good job! What etchant did you use?

Can you explain the etching process with a few words please?

Kind regards Roland

semar 28th April 2015 08:37 AM

hello Roland

sorry i not do the job by my self I bringt it to pa didik
he alwas clean my keris blade´s

regards semar

David 28th April 2015 03:22 PM

Roland, if you search our archives for "keris washing", "keris staining" or "warangan" you should come up with more than a few helpful threads on the subject.

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