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Kubur 23rd July 2014 04:47 PM

Another Persian axe?
4 Attachment(s)

I would like to have some information's about this axe.
Is it a Persian or Indian axe?
For battle, military parades, Muharram processions or dervishes?
18th or 19th?
This axe looks very similar to the one in the British Museum...


CharlesS 23rd July 2014 10:03 PM

Yes, Persian, and ceremonial...just a different style. I think I see "faux", or etched, wootz in the steel haft. Could we get a close-up?

Very nice piece. I believe this style was also immitated by the Sudanese.

Battara 24th July 2014 05:06 AM

Yup - Qajar 19th century and etched.

Kubur 24th July 2014 05:13 PM

Thanks both

And the Sudanese used these axes as battle axes against the British???
So it could be a battle axe???
Thank you for your lights


Edward F 27th July 2014 11:39 PM

another example
3 Attachment(s)
Qajar axe looks early 19th century, photo I posted late 19th century.I too would say ceremonial use but the axe pictured has concelled spike not sure if it was added later in time.

ward 28th July 2014 03:16 AM

That isn't etched, looks chiseled and pretty well too

ward 28th July 2014 03:18 AM

Oh ok two different axes. Last one chiseled

Kubur 28th July 2014 07:13 PM

Is it possible that your axe is Indian and not Persian?
I have seen a lot of concealed daggers like that on Indian axes...
Kind regards

Edward F 29th July 2014 11:12 AM

I think the axe is Persian but at some point in time the Indians added the spike .I have many indian weapons with the hidden spike the one pictured is very crude and most likely not original to the axe.

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