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manteris1 23rd May 2014 05:38 PM

whatisit #1......#2
6 Attachment(s)
Hi All, Number 1 is African 5" o/a, Scarification knife ?
Number 2 is probable South Sea's 18" not a club................jimmy

Iain 23rd May 2014 07:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
On the first item, reminds me a lot of pommels from the Mandara region of Cameroon. See the chamba dagger attached.

manteris1 23rd May 2014 09:48 PM

Hi Iain, the pommel from
Mandara the blade ?

Iain 23rd May 2014 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by manteris1
Hi Iain, the pommel from
Mandara the blade ?

From the images your posted of your piece, the blade appears to be integral in relation to the pommel and grip.

Basically I would guess the entire piece is from those regions.

manteris1 23rd May 2014 09:55 PM

Iain i meant is it weapon or ?...............thanks.............jimmy

Iain 23rd May 2014 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by manteris1
Iain i meant is it weapon or ?...............thanks.............jimmy

Absolutely no idea I'm afraid! I don't really collect daggers and smaller arms, so I've never delved too deeply into the types in these regions. Hopefully one of the African collectors with less of a narrow field of collecting than myself will chime in!

Martin Lubojacky 24th May 2014 07:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Jimmy,
I am enclosing cca 5 years old photo from the small market with souveniers infront of one hotel in Maroua, Extreme North Cameroon (and not far from the Nigerian mountinous borderland). As you can see, the top spearhead was made with similar method (crossing point between the neck and the blade). Maybe your something (dagger) was made from spearhead (is the handle hollow ?). In any case, as Iain said already, the termination "button" is very charakteristic for that region.
I think No 2. is comming from South Seas, but not Asian. I am thinking about Guinea Gulf. I bought sometning similar in Nigeria, but I have not photo with me now.

manteris1 24th May 2014 11:34 PM

Hi Martin, great photo, I just bought a throwing knife on ebay that was simllar
to the one in the photo.................thanks.....jimmy

Timo Nieminen 26th May 2014 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by manteris1
Number 2 is probable South Sea's 18" not a club................jimmy

Looks like a Chinese truncheon. Why "not a club"?

KuKulzA28 26th May 2014 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Timo Nieminen
Looks like a Chinese truncheon. Why "not a club"?

Looks exactly like a Chinese truncheon

manteris1 26th May 2014 06:11 PM

it's looks like lime on clubs etc., would you show me a Chinese truncheon .................thanks..............jimmy

colin henshaw 26th May 2014 06:40 PM

The wooden piece does look like something from Melanesia, a possibility being New Guinea (Massim area) ?? where they did that type of lime inlay on wood.

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