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Some recent additions
7 Attachment(s)
Been quite some time since I posted. Now that I have retired from the military I have a bit more time to dedicate to my bladed problem! ;)
Attached are some keris' that recently came into my possession and am very happy to be their current caretaker. I'll let them speak for themselves...any info ya'll would like to provide will be greatly appreciated and welcome. Thanks for the look! Respectfully, John |
That's a nice and regionally varied grouping John. I wonder if you wouldn't have been better off showing these in smaller related groupings (i.e. placing the Sumatran ones in one thread, the Bali in other, the Bugis in a third…)
It would also be nice to see close-ups. I do particularly like your entries fro Sumatra. :) |
("That's a nice and regionally varied grouping John. I wonder if you wouldn't have been better off showing these in smaller related groupings (i.e. placing the Sumatran ones in one thread, the Bali in other, the Bugis in a third…)
It would also be nice to see close-ups. I do particularly like your entries from Sumatra.") David, I'd probably do it that way if I knew where they were all from...I know enough about keris to tell a good one from a bad one but have not yet gotten to the point of being able to readily identify regionality (I am starting to see regional correlations in ukirans to an extent). Any and all input on regionality, type ect would be greatly appreciated...it is almost overwhelming the variety and subtleties just as it is in any regionally broad weapon type. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for good available publications to increase my knowledge of the keris in general. I can provide some close-ups as a good friend of mine is a pro photographer and took photo's of these...would just have to resize. Definitely love keris as well as Filipine sundata...looking forward to learning more! Thank you all! Respectfully, John |
Some close-ups
6 Attachment(s)
After resizing some photo's here are some close-up shots of mainly the ukiran...also included one left out (I think Sumatran stylized garuda..on the white towel). The ivory garuda (photo 1) is absolutely incredibly detailed...one of my favorite keris that is currently and joyfully in my custody. The second one is also ivory with an ivory gayaman wrangka. Third is a lombak (please correct me if I am wrong) with a horn handle, next is a wood handle as a monkey, the next two wood stylized garuda (Sumatra). Those are the most interesting of the group. If you would like to see anything else please do not hesitate to ask! :) |
A collection says about the collector
I think you are a talented keris collector with a nice collection. I second the opinion that it worth separate thread.
As for publication, I recommend Kris Disk for its clear regional grouping and easy to understand approach. PS. That third keris is a killer! ;) |
I am truly honored to be their caretaker now...thank you for the book recommendation...I'll begin looking for it! Respectfully, John |
Well, you might have some trouble locating a copy of Kris Disk. They come up on eBay every now and then, but AFAIK it's out-of-print.
I lifted the following list off Alan Maisey's website. Not all these works are perfect, but they can all be valuable references in one way or another. Off this list i would particularly recommend The World of the Javanese Keris (#3) and The Javanese Kris by Groneman (#21). You will also find great value in reading material about the related culture. I highly recommend Margret Wiener's Visible and Invisible Realms for a perspective on Bali. 1. Krisses-A critical Bibliography-David van Duuren.Pictures Publishers,Polstraat 52,4261 BV,Wijk en Aalburg,Holland.I highly recommend this book. 2. Keris Jawa-antara Mystik dan Nalar-Haryono Haryoguritno- P.T. Indonesia Kebanggaanku-Jakarta, ISBN: 979-25-2530-0. Text in Indonesian. The most beautiful book on the keris that has ever been published. 3. The World of the Javanese Keris-Garrett and Bronwen Solyom,East-West Centre-Hawaii,1978. An enormous amount of solid information in a limited number of pages. This book has my complete endorsement. 4. Ensiklopedi Keris- Bambang Harsrinuksmo, Gramedia- Jakarta, ISBN: 979-22-0649-3.Text in Indonesian; a comprehensive reference. 5. The Kris-An Earthly Approach to a Cosmic Symbol-David van Duuren.Pictures Publishers Polstraat 52,4261 BV,Wijk en Aalburg,Holland. An excellent book for beginners; I highly recommend this book. 6. 'Origin of the Keris and its Development to the 14th. Century'-A.Maisey(article) Published in "Arms Cavalcade"-The Official Journal of the Antique Arms Collectors Society of Australia ,Vol.I,No.2, April 1998. 7. "An Interpretation of the Pre-Islamic Javanese Keris"- A.Maisey (article) Published in "Arms Cavalcade"- The Official Journal of the Antique Arms Collectors Society of Australia Co-op Limited, May 2013 ISSN 1325-779X 8. De Kris-Magic Relic of Old Indonesia-Vols.I,II and III Ing. G.J.F.J. Tammens.Holland, 1992/1993/1994.Parallel text in English and Dutch. 9. Origin of Early Kerises-Martin Kerner A4,152p.,50 ill.in black/white,ISBN 3-9520980-9-4 10. A Glossary of the Construction,Decoration ,and Use of Arms and Armour-George Cameron Stone .(Several editions.The standard reference on Eastern Edged Weaponry).AKA-"Stones Glossary" 11. The Keris and Other Malay Weapons-A.H.Hill,Journal of the Malay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Vol.XX Part II,1947. 12. The Kris-E.Frey,Oxford University Press,Singapore. 13. Keris-Drs.Hamzuri,P.T. Midas Surya Grafindo-Jakarta,1984. 14. Keris and Other Weapons of Indonesia-Moebirman,Yayasan Pelita Wisata,Jakarta,1973. 15. The Invincible Krises 2- Vanna Ghiringhelli, Saviolo Publisher, USA, 2007, ISBN 978-88-95125-05-3 16. Kris the Invincible(Kris Gli Invincibili)-Vanna e Mario Ghiringheli,Be-Ma Editrice,Milano 1991. 17. 'An Introduction to the Javanese Keris'-Hardiono H.B.(article). Published in "Arts of Asia",Vol.9,No.3 May-June 1979, 1309 Kowloon Centre,29-30 Ashley Road,Kowloon H.K. 18. The Keris and the Naga-A.G.Maisey(article). Published in "Arms Cavalcade"-The Official Journal of the Antique Arms Collectors Society of Australia,Vol.I,No.3,December 2000. 19. 'The Great Blades of Java'-A.Maisey (article). Published in "Knives '90" DBI Books Inc. Northfield,Illinois 20. The Keris in the Magic World View-Martin Kerner A4,62p.,ill. black/white.ISBN 3-9520980-2-7,1999 21. The Javanese Keris-Isaac Groneman, C.Zwatenkot Art Books, Leiden, 2009. ISBN 978-90-5450-006. A collection of articles on the keris, including the landmark papers by Isaac Groneman, immensely valuable from the historical perspective of study of the keris. |
AWESOME! Thank you David!
Respectfully, John |
Hello John,
Fantastic original pieces, congratulations! :) Best regards |
Hello John,
special the first three examples are just beautiful, I am green with envy! :) :cool: ;) Hope you will show every one in an extra thread! Regards, Detlef |
John you have a beautiful collection! :) :)
John wanted me to pass his thanks along for your responses. We are having some technical difficulties with his account and he is unable to post at the moment. Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon.
[QUOTE=Sajen] Hope you will show every one in an extra thread!
Detlef, now that I am back (thanks to David, Rick and Lee :D ), I started a new thread starting with the Palembang's! I will continue to add new threads featuring the keris's above as the weeks progress...I truly appreciate everyone's comments and expertise... that is why I love this forum! Thanks again all! Respectfully, John |
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