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A. G. Maisey 21st August 2013 11:31 PM

Bali Hilts
4 Attachment(s)
Here is my second attempt to drum up a little bit of interest in keris discussion.

Completely different to my posting of Grandfather photos, several rather nice Balinese hilts.

Perhaps somebody else may wish to add photos of Balinese hilts in their own collection?

henri 22nd August 2013 04:51 AM

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All right , that is my last buy . Some of you already look at these pics for opinion on material used for this ganesha Bali hilt . Lot of different suggestions but looks like we have sperm whale tooth .... or horn ?! Impossible to remove the selut to get a closed inside view unfortunately .

VVV 22nd August 2013 10:47 AM

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Nice thread.

Here are some of my favorites.


Sajen 22nd August 2013 02:35 PM

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Some more.

Battara 22nd August 2013 11:56 PM

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Here is my one and only Balinese hilt of ivory. I did the gold work since I could not find anyone here to do it.

Montino Bourbon 23rd August 2013 07:21 AM

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And now for something completely simple...

The wood is Pink Ivory wood, one of the rarest woods in the world, and incredibly dense. I took the wood to Bali and had a good carver make this.

A. G. Maisey 25th August 2013 10:49 AM

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Nice hilt Montino, and nice material.

A few years ago I sent two pieces of pink ivory to Madura to be carved. Pink ivory is a bit like purpleheart, in that you must let it sit for a while after working it to let the colour come out. The gentleman who carved my pink ivory thought he knew better than I did, he ignored my instructions and lacquered it immediately after he carved it. My pink ivory hilts are mid brown. I'll clean the lacquer off one day when I get around to it.

Anyway, here's 3 more Bali hilts.

Montino Bourbon 25th August 2013 05:40 PM

Incredible as usual!
What is the six-legged animal? More info please!

The accordion-pleated one at the bottom is wonderful too.

David 25th August 2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Montino Bourbon
What is the six-legged animal? More info please!

Montino, that is know as kocet-kocetan. Here is a good informational thread on them.

David 25th August 2013 09:08 PM

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I've posted these before in our "Figural" thread, but for the sake of grouping here are a couple of my Bali hilts. Nothing extraordinary, but they hold some personality for me. :)

Marcokeris 27th August 2013 01:37 PM

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Some of mine

rasjid 27th August 2013 03:31 PM

New Bali Hilts
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Two made by IB Pastika, all material is made from moose horn / elk.
Once polished the old moose material is as good as ivory. Now adays plenty in Bali.

David 27th August 2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by rasjid
Once polished the old moose material is as good as ivory.

hmmm...i'm not sure i understand what that means. As good as ivory in what way? :)
Beautiful carvings BTW.

Jean 27th August 2013 07:03 PM

Will the colour and structure of moose antler remain stable or reach a nice patinated aspect with time or not? If yes, it is indeed an excellent substitute to ivory. However I have noticed traces of uneven shades on some pieces made from moose antler and posted on Ebay.
These carvings are very fine but "too much" for my taste :)

David 27th August 2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jean
Will the colour and structure of moose antler remain stable or reach a nice patinated aspect with time or not? If yes, it is indeed an excellent substitute to ivory. However I have noticed traces of uneven shades on some pieces made from moose antler and posted on Ebay.
These carvings are very fine but "too much" for my taste :)

As a "substitute" for ivory to stem the slaughter of elephants for that valuable material, i agree. I just can't see this material as being "as good as" ivory. It doesn't have the depth and character of that material (at least not in any example i have seen) and it won't no matter how long it ages. :shrug:
They are indeed perhaps a bit too fine for some tastes, but i do really like the detail in the kocet-kocetan hilt. :)

rasjid 28th August 2013 10:28 AM

yes David, I mean as substitute, if done properly the finish also smooth similar to ivory material. Ivory still give you better shine and harder material. The Moose material is finer than antler horn and I do have sample from bones (including giraffe bone for my knives), antler horn and ivory.
so, may be back to personal taste..thanks

rasjid 28th August 2013 02:24 PM

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Some more....

Can someone tell me the story or any reason that this Bali handle in the old days they use human hair? The owner's hair or some one else's?
Thanks in advance

David 28th August 2013 03:41 PM

Nice cekak redut (accordian stye) example you show her Rasjid.
On the hair, are you sure the hair on your example is human? I have one of these hilts and the hair just seems too coarse to be human. But i can think of numerous reasons from a magickal perspective why using one's own hair in this context would be effective in strengthening the bond between owner and weapon. :shrug:

VVV 28th August 2013 03:49 PM

Usually the hair on these Balinese hilts are from horse's hair.
However, I have heard that human hair quite often was used to fasten the hilt to the pesi...


David 28th August 2013 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by VVV
Usually the hair on these Balinese hilts are from horse's hair.
However, I have heard that human hair quite often was used to fasten the hilt to the pesi...


Yes Michael, i have encountered this, but on Javanese keris only. Do you know if it was a practice outside of Jawa?

Sajen 28th August 2013 04:24 PM

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Variations in style, age and material.

Sajen 28th August 2013 04:27 PM

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Sajen 28th August 2013 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by David
Yes Michael, i have encountered this, but on Javanese keris only. Do you know if it was a practice outside of Jawa?

Have found some years ago a Bali keris where the hilt was attached with hair. And have heard that human hair was used by this cenangan hilts sometimes but normally was used horse hair.

rasjid 28th August 2013 06:37 PM

David, I'm not saying my hilt is using human hair, just heard story about it. I'm not keen to do some testing anyway :). Looks like many other stories around it.

The cekah / cekahan solas is made from black wood and solas is sebelas ( eleven). I believe Alan's is 23 cuts or more? Havent count it yet.

A. G. Maisey 30th August 2013 02:29 AM

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Three more, whale's teeth.

Teeth bought in Sydney in 1970's, salvaged from the sea bed rubbish dump of a whaling station in Western Australia. The teeth were taken to Bali and carved there. I did not order specific motifs, and left this to the carver.

rasjid 3rd September 2013 03:16 PM

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Just in case someone surprise that these one are newly made...

Jean 4th September 2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Three more, whale's teeth.

Teeth bought in Sydney in 1970's, salvaged from the sea bed rubbish dump of a whaling station in Western Australia. The teeth were taken to Bali and carved there. I did not order specific motifs, and left this to the carver.

Hi Alan,
Very nice specimens of hilts made from marine ivory! How long ago were they made and who was the maker if you agree to tell us?

A. G. Maisey 4th September 2013 10:48 AM

They were done about 3 or 4 years ago.

I do not know who carved them.

Jean, I have found that to get the best possible result from ordered work, at the best possible price, in Jawa and Bali it is best to go through a third party.

Going back 20 or 30 years I used to deal directly with craftsmen, and this works fine if you can be there while the job is being done. You can visit daily, supervise, create a socially binding relationship and at the end of the day you can finish up with a satisfactory result.

However, when you deal directly with a craftsman, place the order and then come back 6 or 12 months later to collect it you are setting yourself up for every possible variation of disappointment, failure and rip-off.

The way to get a good result on the long term order basis is to form a solid business link with a reliable third party:- business people are motivated by money; artists are motivated by emotion and personal contact.

However, if you use an agent to place and manage your order, you often do not know exactly who did the work.

In Solo I mostly know who the craftsman is who did the work, exactly what his personal situation is, and exactly what he charged for it.

In Bali I know nothing, except how to get the best possible finished product.

rasjid 4th September 2013 03:07 PM

Agreed Alan, from personal experience any where in the world would be similar situation...

Battara 5th September 2013 12:18 AM

Alan, great carvings - reminiscent of older work IMHO.

2 questions:
  • If I were to send a piece to get gold Achenese mounts, should I do what you did in the case with Bali?
  • Do Balinese ivory keris hilts use mounts made of silver, or would gold also work?

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