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G.William 9th June 2013 01:36 AM

Queen Anne Night pistol?
12 Attachment(s)
Was given this pistol from a friend that has since passed on. Have tried to do some research and everything leads me to this being a Q.A. night pistol. The name CAMBIER is engraved into lock plate. Jehan Cambier was a cannon distributor/manufacturer in the 1400's. Could it be possible this pistol was made by his ancestors?
Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Rick 9th June 2013 01:45 AM

Hi and welcome .
Could you possibly repost the pictures in a larger format; possibly 800x600 or so ?
Can't see much detail . :(

G.William 9th June 2013 03:27 AM

12 Attachment(s)
See if I get it this time..

Rick 9th June 2013 03:27 PM

Well done Sir !
I'm sorry not to have gotten to your post sooner . :o

fernando 9th June 2013 03:44 PM

Certainly not a Queen Anne ... and almost certainly not the descendant of XV century Philippe le Bon artillery supplier :o .

G.William 9th June 2013 04:02 PM

Any clue as to what it may be.

M ELEY 9th June 2013 10:16 PM

A very beautiful 18th century flintlock pistol, the brasswork better than many. I don't recognize the marking on the barrel, but I'm a novice when it comes to smith marks. You might have thought 'Queen Anne' when you saw the face on the butt plate, but this decor is found on other types of the era. Possibly French and would date anywhere from early to late 18th.

G.William 10th June 2013 02:58 AM

If looked at closely there are remnants of gold leaf on shallow areas of brass. Carved into the furniture under the lock are roman numerals. Will post what I find tomorrow.
good night gents......

Andreas 10th June 2013 08:49 AM

In a Paris sale in 2000, a pair of flintlock pistols were auctioned, the locks signed J. CAMBIER A NAMUR and the barrels ESQUIBEL EN MADRID ANNO 1719.
A Jacques Cambier, armourer, is mentioned as active in 1779-80 in Namur:

Jacques Cambier, armurier à Namur, contre Amélie-Thérèse de
Hochsteden, chanoinesse de Susteren, au sujet du payement de
marchandises et de travaux pour le baron de Moitrey, 1779-1780.
(From the State Archives in Belgium/Provincial Council of Namur)

fernando 10th June 2013 12:12 PM

If they are small numbers ( I II III IV ) they could be for assembly control. The French (and not only) fancied such system. In those days the gun parts were hand made and not all came out with the same precise dimensions; this way in the final assembly they could join the parts that were made to fit one each other in the beginning of the production line.
This is only a suggestion, of course :o .

M ELEY 11th June 2013 01:35 AM

A gold wash was not uncommon on higher grade pistols and dueling pieces of the period. What is the lenth of the gun? It could have been one of a pair, not an uncommon occurance. I particularly like the lion butt plate. Mostly, you see human faces or leering gargoyles here...

G.William 11th June 2013 04:01 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Well I took the piece apart. See IV mark and length of pistol. All screws seem to be original. I don't have mic. or caliper, so bore is measured at 15 mm.

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