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fernando 23rd December 2012 11:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Wishing everyone a joyful Christmas period and the best for 2013 :)
Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo ;)


M ELEY 23rd December 2012 12:32 PM

Same to you, 'Nando, and to all of our Forumites.

Happy Holidays and New Years. The question is, will Santa bring you a sword or a lump of coal for Xmas- :p ;)

fernando 23rd December 2012 12:44 PM

Told him no coal needed; mild temperatures over here :cool: .
So he brought me a Portuguese flintlock pistol instead ;)

A Senefelder 23rd December 2012 02:30 PM

To you and all as well Nando! I wish it would get here sooner, I have a pair of 19th century Sicilian marrionettes hidden away for the wife ( she loves all things puppetry ) that i'm having a very tough time holding off giving her before the actual day ( i've always been terrible at waiting to give presents once i've goten them for folks ).

Norman McCormick 23rd December 2012 02:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Guys,
A Very Merry Christmas to One and All and Best Wishes for a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.
Kind Regards,

P.S. Somebody likes the snow up here. :D

fernando 23rd December 2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by A Senefelder
... I have a pair of 19th century Sicilian marrionettes hidden away for the wife ( she loves all things puppetry )

Expensive stuff :confused:


Originally Posted by A Senefelder
... ( i've always been terrible at waiting to give presents once i've goten them for folks ).

Ah, Ah, Ah ... me too :eek:

fernando 23rd December 2012 03:07 PM

Hi Norman ... great image :cool:

A Senefelder 23rd December 2012 05:36 PM


Expensive stuff
They should have been but fortunately I found them for the proverbial song at an estate sale. Once in a while you get lucky.

christek 24th December 2012 01:27 AM

To everyone on this wonderful site,

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a great new year filled with fascinating discoveries! :)

Kind regards,

Cathey 24th December 2012 07:09 AM

Happy Christmas
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Guys

This year’s Christmas photo attached. Happy collecting in 2013, and let’s hope the world economy improves so we can all buy more swords and stuff

Cheers Rex and Cathey

fernando 25th December 2012 11:46 AM

I almost forgot to mention that, in my last contact with Michael, he wished everybody a Merry Christmas.

Gavin Nugent 25th December 2012 01:32 PM

Merry Christmas from sunny Australia.

I nearly forgot my EU forum brothers and sisters.

Love the photo Cathey!! There is one piece there I know I'd love in my collections.

All the best for the festive seaon and best wishes for 2013.


Jim McDougall 25th December 2012 08:48 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!
What a beautiful picture Cathey has posted! A perfect Christmas card cover, wow!

Jim McDougall 25th December 2012 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by fernando
I almost forgot to mention that, in my last contact with Michael, he wished everybody a Merry Christmas.

And please let him know we sure miss him and he's very much in our thoughts always, and on this special day.

Chris Evans 26th December 2012 12:08 AM


After expressing my good wishes in the Ethnographic forum's Christmas thread, I completely overlooked this one, something for which I sincerely apologize.

So, I wish everybody here all the very best for the festive season, a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year and may all our desires for more collectible acquisitions come true in 2013!


fernando 26th December 2012 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Evans
... I completely overlooked this one, something for which I sincerely apologize....

You are well in time Chris ... well in time :cool: .

Andi 27th December 2012 11:11 PM

Frohe Weihnachten Euch Allen
Merry Christmas to all of you

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