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Dave1104 5th November 2012 03:47 AM

Translation help - Arabic
5 Attachment(s)
I have a Jordanian shibriya purchased in Amman, Jordan in 1978. Can someone help me with a translation of the maker's mark on the blade? I believe I can read "Hakim" in the top line. Is it Haj Hakim? No idea about the next two lines.

Also, does anyone have any idea what the handle is made of? It seems a natural material, but I am unsure.


AJ1356 5th November 2012 03:55 AM

Amal Alhaaj Haashem

Dave1104 5th November 2012 05:08 AM

Thank you AJ. Any idea about the bottom two lines?


T. Koch 5th November 2012 07:21 AM

Hi Dave,

That's a great little dagger - thanks for posting! I'm sure somebody will be along with more information, but in the meantime I can tell you that the hilt scales are for certain carved from buffalo/cow horn.

Do you know if these knives were used for actual fighting or are they simply carried for display. If for fighting, how would it be held in hand when used - tip up or tip down?

- thanks for sharing it!

Best wishes, - Thor

Dave1104 5th November 2012 04:48 PM

I am not an expert on these knives, and would defer to others on this forum that are more knowledgeable. One posting in the past

gives you some information that the knives are used for both defense and offense, but will be carried by most males in traditional dress in Jordan. So I suspect that it would mostly be for custom (especially these days, as is the case with most traditional knives), but that they could indeed be used as intended if the occasion arose. As for how they would be employed (tip up or down), I have no knowledge. If it came down to my needing to use it, I would go into the fight with the tip up, but that is because of my self defense training in college over 30 years ago. I would hope that I never have to find out.

Thanks for the confirmation of the handle material.


Dom 6th November 2012 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dave1104
I am not an expert on these knives, and would defer to others on this forum that are more knowledgeable. One posting in the past

gives you some information that the knives are used for both defense and offense, but will be carried by most males in traditional dress in Jordan. So I suspect that it would mostly be for custom (especially these days, as is the case with most traditional knives), but that they could indeed be used as intended if the occasion arose. As for how they would be employed (tip up or down), I have no knowledge. If it came down to my needing to use it, I would go into the fight with the tip up, but that is because of my self defense training in college over 30 years ago. I would hope that I never have to find out.

Thanks for the confirmation of the handle material.


Hi Dave
nice Shabria, the hilt could be done with Aries horn

all knife/daggers have the function to be lethal :p
the shabria, is yet wearing as part of uniform, by some Jordan desert troops
have a look here, you will learn a lot ;)

the translation complete should be ("should" ... because some reserves) :rolleyes:
the 2 last names aren't Arabic :shrug:


made par le "Haj" (pilgrim) Hacheem Wouchane (?) Khawougy (?)

all the best

à +


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