Ethnographic Arms & Armour

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keriswarisanpattani 28th January 2012 04:16 PM

identification of this bilah..pattani, sumatera or peninsular
2 Attachment(s)
appreciate any opinon for this bilah..

Sajen 29th January 2012 12:19 AM


first: welcome to the forum! :)

I think it's a Pattani carita blade. Others with much more knowlegde than I am will jump in and will give you a a more accurate opinion.

Look here for example for a very similar bilah:

Can we see the complete keris?



keriswarisanpattani 29th January 2012 12:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sajen

first: welcome to the forum! :)

I think it's a Pattani carita blade. Others with much more knowlegde than I am will jump in and will give you a a more accurate opinion.

Look here for example for a very similar bilah:

Can we see the complete keris?



dear sir,

thank you. attached few more photos.

Sajen 29th January 2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by keriswarisanpattani
dear sir,

thank you. attached few more photos.

Thank you as well! And please don't call me "sir"! When you address me with Detlef or my member name "sajen" it would be very appreciated.

Can you show as well a picture when the bilah is sheathed?



Raja Muda 2nd February 2012 11:13 AM

Interesting keris
I think this is a rare find. It's far easier to see pandai saras, carita and tok chu blades but something with this kind of central fuller rarely surfaces among collectors. As someone used to say to me "molek!"

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