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Lew 13th December 2011 01:56 AM

indonesian knife for comment
1 Attachment(s)
I think this is a pisau but I'm not sure. It has a nice blade and the hilt is of nicely figured wood. Let me know what you think.

klewang 13th December 2011 08:30 AM

It’s a badik, most likely from Celebes.
But since it is a knife of some sort, pisau would fit the description.

Sajen 13th December 2011 05:08 PM

Hello Lew,

agree with Klewang that it is a badik from Sulawesi. Very nice blade shape. Try to etch it, I think that it will show a lamination. Look here for comparison:



David 13th December 2011 08:30 PM

Forgive me for my ignorance of these blades, but the blade of Lew's example doesn't look anything like the blades of all these other badiks in the links, though when i look in Zonnefeld i do see similar blade forms for badek from Sulawesi. Is the name badik/badek meant then to describe the manner of dress then or does it relate to the actual blade form.

Sajen 13th December 2011 09:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by David
Forgive me for my ignorance of these blades, but the blade of Lew's example doesn't look anything like the blades of all these other badiks in the links, though when i look in Zonnefeld i do see similar blade forms for badek from Sulawesi. Is the name badik/badek meant then to describe the manner of dress then or does it relate to the actual blade form.

First I would think that the dress is the main manner to describe a badik but when you look to the both badik on the right it is to seen that the blades have in this case a similar general shape. Albert G. van Zonneveld write about this: "The blade has a straight or slightly convex back running up to the point, or otherwise bends towards the edge at the point. The edge may be straight, but also slightly or strongly convex, or somewhat S-shaped."



Lew 18th December 2011 05:01 AM

Hi all

The piece showed up yesterday. The blade is mono steel but it is still a nice find :) Thanks for all the comments.

KuKulzA28 18th December 2011 06:35 AM

looks like it could be jantung pisang :shrug:
means something like banana flower petal style

That is all I can offer in terms of new information. That's my favorite style of badik blade, and I also like that style of handle. I hope you enjoy it. Badiks are definitely pretty unique blades in the world of knives. A very ingenious style.

Sajen 18th December 2011 01:36 PM

Hi Lew,

the badik in post #5, third from the left don't want to show lamination by my first try. I have to repeat it some times until the lamination become visible. All badik I have handled have had lamination. Not one I have seen was without.



kerisbiz 15th July 2019 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Lew
I think this is a pisau but I'm not sure. It has a nice blade and the hilt is of nicely figured wood. Let me know what you think.

Now this badik is with me, I bought it from ebay. This Badik is from Makassar, South Sulawesi. Called the name "Lompo Battang" or Lompo = Large, Battang = Stomach. this is forged in the taeng area so it is also commonly called "Dedde 'Taeng". Dedde = made and forged in. There are several different types of badek in Makassar with the names "Dapur / Lacak" which are different starting from "Panjarungan, Campaga, Taeng, Mangapa', Kampung Batu". And for this type it is called Badik "Taeng" originally from Makassar.

Lee 15th July 2019 06:17 PM

Here are the images and description of this item from the sale of Lew's Estate:

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