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ganjawulung 16th October 2011 12:20 PM

Bali Keris Holders
1 Attachment(s)
Just visual sharing, on Bali keris holders from some museums in Indonesia. The best keris holder I've seen is a kerajaan Gelgel's keris holder at Museum Gajah (second picture below). But private museum D'Topeng in Sanur, Bali, also has a magnificent collection (picture below) of a cute bali keris holder too...


ganjawulung 16th October 2011 08:13 PM

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Bali keris holder at Museum Gajah, Jakarta (the National Museum of Jakarta) is one of the best keris holder I've seen. According to museum sources, this beautiful Anoman motif keris holder came from kerajaan Gelgel, Klungkung era of XV century...

ganjawulung 16th October 2011 08:17 PM

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A private museum, "D'Topeng" -- located at 2nd floor of a Balinese restoran near Sanur bypass -- has beautiful collections of traditional masks from all over Indonesian archipelago, and also some kerises, and old keris holders. This is one of their collections....

ganjawulung 16th October 2011 08:20 PM

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Located at 2nd floor of a Balinese restoran near Sanur bypass -- the private museum, "D'Topeng" -- has beautiful collections of traditional masks from all over Indonesian archipelago, and also some kerises, and old keris holders. This is one of their collections....

ganjawulung 16th October 2011 08:22 PM

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A collection of "D'Topeng" private museum, Sanur Bypass, Bali. An old bali keris holder... And this is an interesting thread on this subject, at our Warung Kopi...

Marcokeris 17th October 2011 12:27 AM

Thanks for nice pics and subject

ganjawulung 17th October 2011 03:13 AM

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...beautiful collection of hundreds of traditional masks of all over Indonesian Archipelago, at the private museum "D'Topeng"...

ganjawulung 17th October 2011 03:16 AM

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... collection of "loro blonyo" (a pair of Gedono and Gedini statue) from different places in Indonesia, and also samples of box arts, bed arts.. (collection of D'Topeng Museum)

Marcokeris 17th October 2011 04:17 AM

Jimmi where this museum is in Sanur? It seems to have amazing objects.

ganjawulung 17th October 2011 04:48 AM

D'Topeng Kingdom Museum
A new private museum, Marco. It is located on the 2nd floor of "D'Topeng Restaurant", Jalan Setiabudi No 10, Simpang Siur, Badung, Bali (you may ask the taxi driver, "D'Topeng Restaurant, Sanur" at Jalan Setiabudi). The formal name is "D'Topeng Kingdom Museum"....

If you don't mind, Mr Moderator -- Rick and David -- I would like to to share the link to the museum's site.

David 17th October 2011 05:04 AM

On the contrary Jimmy, i don't mind at all. Great images, thanks! :)

Rick 17th October 2011 04:43 PM

If I didn't know better I would guess that you're a Travel Agent, Jimmy. ;) :D

ganjawulung 17th October 2011 05:11 PM

@Rick, yes, ha, ha, ha.... Keris travel agent.

Rick 17th October 2011 07:16 PM

Yes, a magical mystery tour ............

ganjawulung 17th October 2011 08:51 PM

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Another mystery tour, this time to Amsterdam. An old and beautiful -- if not the most -- keris holder from the collection of Tropen Museum, Amsterdam. Depicted who?

Jussi M. 17th October 2011 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Bali keris holder at Museum Gajah, Jakarta (the National Museum of Jakarta) is one of the best keris holder I've seen. According to museum sources, this beautiful Anoman motif keris holder came from kerajaan Gelgel, Klungkung era of XV century...

Re the keris holder in post #2... Believe it or not but I saw it in real life here in Finland in 1996 when it toured the world accompanied by circa 250 other items - many of them kerises, tombaks and other regalia - on an Indonesian government sponsored exhibition tournee. To say it was astonishing is yet a lame way of describing it. The kerises that accompanied it... No words :shrug:

Battara 18th October 2011 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Another mystery tour, this time to Amsterdam. An old and beautiful -- if not the most -- keris holder from the collection of Tropen Museum, Amsterdam. Depicted who?

I am thinking that this is Hanuman the monkey general friend of Rama.

IT is a nice piece - thank you for posting.

GIO 18th October 2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Another mystery tour, this time to Amsterdam. An old and beautiful -- if not the most -- keris holder from the collection of Tropen Museum, Amsterdam. Depicted who?

Great sculpture indeed ! I too think it depicts Hanuman, but am asking myself: where the keris has to be inserted ?

GIO 18th October 2011 07:50 PM

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Here is one of my keris holders: Hanuman again !
I think it is a rather recent manufacture, now it has a big crack in the base.
Forget the keris. It has nothing to do with Bali. :o

asomotif 18th October 2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by GIO
Here is one of my keris holders: Hanuman again !

Nice one, but is this Hanuman ? does he have a tail for starters ?

Best regards,

ganjawulung 19th October 2011 05:30 AM

Hanuman, or Anoman, always has white fur, Another human-ape of Ramayana epic, is Anila with violet fur, and Anggada with red fur. In Ramayana, Anoman is the son of Dewi Anjani (name of a goddess), and Batara Guru (the highest god in wayang world). Anila is the son of Batara Narada (another god in wayang), and Anggada is the son of Sugriwa (king of Apes in Gua Kiskenda) with Dewi Tara (a goddess)...

GIO 19th October 2011 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by asomotif
Nice one, but is this Hanuman ? does he have a tail for starters ?

Best regards,

There is a sort of tail, but similar to a piece of cloth. There is also a keris inserted in the belt.

klewang 19th October 2011 10:52 AM

I think Gio's kerisholder might be Twalen, the Balinese version of Semar.
I know he is mentioned in a book on Semar by Ruud Greve, can't find it right know unfortunately.

David 19th October 2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by klewang
I think Gio's kerisholder might be Twalen, the Balinese version of Semar.
I know he is mentioned in a book on Semar by Ruud Greve, can't find it right know unfortunately.

I think this is a likely attribution. He does seem to have the appropriate widely spaced 2 teeth and general head shape.

Sajen 19th October 2011 06:49 PM

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Originally Posted by David
I think this is a likely attribution. He does seem to have the appropriate widely spaced 2 teeth and general head shape.

Yes, agree most probable Twalen! Here pictures from my old Twalen figure - no keris holder but a nice old carving.



asomotif 19th October 2011 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sajen
Yes, agree most probable Twalen! Here pictures from my old Twalen figure - no keris holder but a nice old carving.



Nice one Detlef. :)

His hands look shaped like they did hold something in the past ?

Sajen 20th October 2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by asomotif
Nice one Detlef. :)

His hands look shaped like they did hold something in the past ?

Thank you Willem,

yes, I like it as well, good old Bali carving. You are correct by your assumption but I really don't know what. Maybe tombaks? :confused:



ivoke 25th October 2011 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Sajen
Yes, agree most probable Twalen! Here pictures from my old Twalen figure - no keris holder but a nice old carving.



Think its Petruk, not Twalen, but i can be wrong.

Sajen 25th October 2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by ivoke
Think its Petruk, not Twalen, but i can be wrong.

Hello Ivoke,

why you think like this? Can you explain? Thank you in advance,


ivoke 25th October 2011 09:54 PM

Well, from what i know,


Twalen is black,
his sarong is black and white,
Petruk has green in his colorscheme and facial hair.
but he normally also has a bigger nose,so it could also be Delem,
my opinion its not Twalen or Merdah.

Gio's Hanuman has more features that could make it Twalen.

but this is my personal opinion, i could be wrong.
And i base myself on the Bali-Singaraja versions.

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