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Dimasalang 6th June 2011 08:23 PM

My new old Bikol Minasbad Sword
2 Attachment(s)
Been wanting one of these for awhile. Just won this the other day. Was anyone else watching or bidding? haha :p I'll post more images when I get it.

Battara 6th June 2011 08:28 PM

Nice one. Yes I thought about it, but decided to pass. Looking forward to the close ups - congrats! Glad you got it! :D

ThePepperSkull 6th June 2011 09:20 PM

Did not bid on it but was watching with interest just to see how much it would go for. Let us know how it is once you recieve it! Love the hilt.

Spunjer 6th June 2011 11:43 PM

nice one bro! i was gonna go for it as well, but i ended up winning the oakley juliets i was bidding on at the same time instead, lol. it was meant for you, brah!!!

Dimasalang 7th June 2011 04:41 AM

Thanks guys! Glad none of you bid! HAHA :D

kino 7th June 2011 05:05 AM

Good catch. Congrats.
I sent you an email.

Robert 7th June 2011 05:21 PM

I too was watching this but had other obligations that had to be taken care of first. Great looking sword and I'm very happy that you won it. Can't wait for more pictures and details. A very nice score.


laEspadaAncha 7th June 2011 06:30 PM

Beautiful piece, Dimasalang... :) Maybe bring it for an up-close inspection if we ever meet up here in SD?

Dimasalang 7th June 2011 06:42 PM

Thanks Kino! I sent you an email back. :D
Robert, I was worried I would be contending with you on this one. As you seem to be the one snatching everything up now-a-days. haha

laEspadaAncha, the Fil-Am Festival here in San Diego is in a few months. And the representative heading the main Filipino cultural booth have asked me if they can borrow some weapons(as if I had a ton)...let me know if you'd like to help display something. I still have your PM and your email. I'll send you info within the next few weeks. Also the Pacific Islander Festival is in Sept...I think that would be an awesome place for a display as well. :D

laEspadaAncha 7th June 2011 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dimasalang
laEspadaAncha, the Fil-Am Festival here in San Diego is in a few months. And the representative heading the main Filipino cultural booth have asked me if they can borrow some weapons(as if I had a ton)...let me know if you'd like to help display something. I still have your PM and your email. I'll send you info within the next few weeks. Also the Pacific Islander Festival is in Sept...I think that would be an awesome place for a display as well. :D

Hey Dimasalang,

I'd be down... I have a few pieces I think you'd be interested in including. :)

Hit me up with an email, as my PM box is kind of full (which I guess is like being "kind of" pregnant? :confused: )

I have a few good pieces that would make for a nice contribution at the Pacific Islander festival as well.

Of course, a meet-and-greet over some cerveza in Old Town is in order before we can discuss possible arrangements, don't you think? :D

Dimasalang 8th June 2011 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by laEspadaAncha
Hey Dimasalang,

I'd be down... I have a few pieces I think you'd be interested in including. :)

Hit me up with an email, as my PM box is kind of full (which I guess is like being "kind of" pregnant? :confused: )

I have a few good pieces that would make for a nice contribution at the Pacific Islander festival as well.

Of course, a meet-and-greet over some cerveza in Old Town is in order before we can discuss possible arrangements, don't you think? :D

Sounds good! I wonder if we can bring our swords in to the bar as well. :D
I'll be in touch.

migueldiaz 8th June 2011 01:12 AM

dimasalang, nice one! and methinks i've been using all along the wrong key words in ebay ;)

and i love the sunny eyes of the guy. congrats.

laEspadaAncha 8th June 2011 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dimasalang
Sounds good! I wonder if we can bring our swords in to the bar as well. :D
I'll be in touch.

Might get us a free round, though it kind of puts an odd - and possibly arrestable - slant on "Happy Hour..." :D

Dimasalang 24th June 2011 10:45 AM

8 Attachment(s)
Got the sword in last week.
Finally took some pics. Sorry for the poor camera skills. :o

ariel 24th June 2011 03:17 PM

What is the definition of Minasbad? Another thread shows a variant of Parang Nabur under the same name.

Battara 24th June 2011 08:28 PM

Nice piece. Better to have the brass detail and the engraving on the blade. Bikolano, eh? Now I know thanks.

Robert 24th June 2011 08:28 PM


Robert, I was worried I would be contending with you on this one. As you seem to be the one snatching everything up now-a-days. haha
Actually I'm kind of glad that I had other obligations when this came to auction, otherwise the bidding could have been run up needlessly. The new pictures show just how beautiful this sword is. Now, I am extremely jealous and will have to find one with this style of blade for my own collection (again, here is where the forum needs a jealousy icon). Do you by any chance have an idea of the age of this sword as I have no idea at all of how to date them? Again my congratulations on this great addition to your collection.


tom hyle 25th June 2011 01:16 AM

Interesting sword. The bathead pommel is more usually seen with a parang nabur blade; here with a matulis/talibon style.
It's interesting too how the flat kind of shot-glass shaped saber butt was adapted part-and-parcel with the full-length tang in the swords of this region.

Dimasalang 25th June 2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by ariel
What is the definition of Minasbad? Another thread shows a variant of Parang Nabur under the same name.

Im not positive on the definition of Minasbad or how it is filed under Parang Nabur. Lorenz would be able to answer that question.


Originally Posted by Battara
Nice piece. Better to have the brass detail and the engraving on the blade. Bikolano, eh? Now I know thanks.

Yes. Now that it is in my hands and seeing the details first hand, I am very happy with this buy. See --> :D


Originally Posted by Robert Coleman
Actually I'm kind of glad that I had other obligations when this came to auction, otherwise the bidding could have been run up needlessly. The new pictures show just how beautiful this sword is. Now, I am extremely jealous and will have to find one with this style of blade for my own collection (again, here is where the forum needs a jealousy icon). Do you by any chance have an idea of the age of this sword as I have no idea at all of how to date them? Again my congratulations on this great addition to your collection.


Thanks again Robert for not bidding. haha I thought it went high enough already. hehe I'm not positive on the age of this one, but I am guessing early 1900s? :shrug: Maybe others will input.
Anyone know how I can remove that surface rust with out removing any patina?

Spunjer 25th June 2011 04:13 PM

dam bro, that's a nice one! they're hard enough to come by, and to have a plated one like this is even rarer. congrats! is the handle kamagong?

Sajen 25th June 2011 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dimasalang
Anyone know how I can remove that surface rust with out removing any patina?

It look on the pictures like it is only some surface rust so I would try to rub it away with WD 40.

BTW, very nice acquisition! :)



Robert 25th June 2011 06:09 PM


Anyone know how I can remove that surface rust with out removing any patina?
On the steel parts I use Mothers Mag & Aluminium Polish and 0000 steel wool and just do a little at a time so you don't remove anything other than rust. I then wipe it down good and follow that up with Ren Wax.


Dimasalang 26th June 2011 08:28 PM

Thanks for the suggestions guys. Ill give the WD40 method a shot first. :)


Originally Posted by Spunjer
dam bro, that's a nice one! they're hard enough to come by, and to have a plated one like this is even rarer. congrats! is the handle kamagong?

Tell me about it. Which is why I felt I had to have this one. And the entire set seems to be in good shape with none of the plates or parts missing. The handle looks to be carabao horn.

Battara 27th June 2011 02:20 AM

Your pictures are better - very nice. :cool:

xasterix 30th August 2023 05:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Hullo, necro-ing this thread because I got a piece which I believe belongs in the same era as the original post... the blade profile of mine is called 'winastari,' it's 17in with a subtle clip-point in the last 1/4th of the spine. I'm not yet sure what [animal, deity] the figural represents.

Just wondering if anyone has arrived at a date or era for this dress style of Bicol blades. TIA!

JeffS 31st August 2023 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by xasterix (Post 284306)
Hullo, necro-ing this thread because I got a piece which I believe belongs in the same era as the original post... the blade profile of mine is called 'winastari,' it's 17in with a subtle clip-point in the last 1/4th of the spine. I'm not yet sure what [animal, deity] the figural represents.

Just wondering if anyone has arrived at a date or era for this dress style of Bicol blades. TIA!

No info, but have to say that is a distinctive style! Very cool - thank you for sharing.

Sajen 31st August 2023 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by xasterix (Post 284306)
Hullo, necro-ing this thread because I got a piece which I believe belongs in the same era as the original post... the blade profile of mine is called 'winastari,' it's 17in with a subtle clip-point in the last 1/4th of the spine. I'm not yet sure what [animal, deity] the figural represents.

Just wondering if anyone has arrived at a date or era for this dress style of Bicol blades. TIA!

Hello Ray,

Nice sword, congrats! Is it still a Minasbad with this blade style? I would associate this handle style with la ater date, WWII?? But I'm not sure.


xasterix 31st August 2023 12:55 PM

Thanks, Jeff and Detlef!

I'm positing this as pre-WW2 because of the abundance of brass effects- as I understand, WW2 onwards would have integrated aluminum or other substitute metals. Although to be honest, I'm not so sure too- difficult to find Bicol swords with indicated area and date of production.

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