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danny1976 19th March 2011 08:35 PM

How do we name this pamor .
4 Attachment(s)

Today i did find a new keris but can someone help me out with the pamor ?
So far i know we can give it two names Sada saler wenkon or ..adeg wenkon
what would be the proper name :shrug:

thanks ,

Sajen 19th March 2011 08:59 PM

Hi Danny,

nice keris again! :) I think both is correct. personally I would call it sada saler (sak ler) wengkon.



David 19th March 2011 09:02 PM

I like this keris Danny. :)
I would tend to go with your first name, but other's mileage may vary. ;)

A. G. Maisey 19th March 2011 10:13 PM

It depends upon what school you went to.

I've always called it adeg wengkon, and I cannot think of anybody that I know personally who calls it anything else.

Pamor names can vary a lot, depending on where you are, and what group of people you associate with.

David 20th March 2011 02:06 AM

Look how flexible i can be in such matters...i'm more than willing to join Alan's ranks here. :)
Whatever name you use i still like the keris. :D

PenangsangII 20th March 2011 04:58 AM

some may call this pamor 'teja kinurung' but i like 'adeg wengkon' too.....

danny1976 20th March 2011 12:05 PM

Everybody thanks for the info.

@ Davids . I like it also , that is why i bougt it :D
There is something that atracks me in this keris , the dapur is relative simple
but it ''catch'' me is some way .

A. G. Maisey 20th March 2011 01:49 PM

Yes Danny, simple.

But one of the most difficult pamor motifs to make.

danny1976 20th March 2011 03:27 PM

@ Mr Maisey,

I didn,t know that , now i.m even more happy i find this one .
But just for learning..would it be more difficult to make this one than let,s say
mayang makar ?

A. G. Maisey 20th March 2011 10:17 PM

All manipulated pamors have their own specific difficulties, and traditionally ron duru was regarded as level 1 of difficulty. It was said that ron duru was the last pamor made when an empu was ready to die. However, any pamor that uses a wengkon requires tremendous control during forging and unlimited patience and application during the cold work.

tatung 16th April 2011 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by danny1976
Everybody thanks for the info.

@ Davids . I like it also , that is why i bougt it :D
There is something that atracks me in this keris , the dapur is relative simple
but it ''catch'' me is some way .

If i am not mistaken, the ganja iron is also original. Indeed a very beautiful piece of keris.

danny1976 17th April 2011 08:46 AM

@ Tatung .

Thank ,s

Yes the Ganja is the same material and the same structure as the keris ,
On top of the ganja there is also a pamor line in the middle .

Somebody can tel me more about the mendak ?
Is this one a ''original'' madurese mendak , i never had one like this before.
imo a very simple mendak.

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