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Jussi M. 11th September 2010 09:55 AM

A sticky on proper methodology is needed
Greetings all,

we see a repeating theme happening again and again here. That is the repetitive questioning that revolves around the do and do not´s of keris maintenance and restoration. Sometimes the provided answers are this, sometimes that, and sometimes something entirely different depending who are the persons active on the forum at the time these questions are asked and answered to. The end results of this is that we have contradicting information scattered in tens if not hundreds of different threads all over the place.

For someone new it is thus very difficult to form a well-rounded and well-informed overall picture of this "forest" because of the myriad of "leaves" blocking the view. This problem is accentuated by the fact that this is an international forum which members have different cultural backgrounds, interests, motives and skill in the language we use to communicate here.


We have a sticky in the classics that addresses one part of the keris restoration and maintenance (Repatinating Keris Blades). It is a good start.

What we need in my opinion is thus a new sticky labeled as "Keris maintenance and restoration info-bank". Under it we should have similar threads to the "Repatinating Keris Blades", each addressing one area of keris restoration and maintenance. If we can get all the different views and proposed methods, each under its thread in which the given theme is throughly addressed with clearly stated pros and cons regarding the different methods in an objective manner... That would be great.

It would make things a lot easier for those who are new to the keris and also for the more experienced ones who would save both time and energy not having to address the same themes over and over again. These threads would also, in time, provide a valuable insight not only onto the wide scope of practices that the keris is subjected to but also to the ideologies behind these said practices.

I propose a method of copy-paste to get this going if the idea is welcomed. If not, use the search :D



BigG 12th September 2010 06:15 AM

Yes nice idea there... a compilation or culling of these means and methods for comarison and choice will be good..

David 12th September 2010 03:32 PM

Certainly a good idea. We'll see what we can do on that one. :)

Sajen 12th September 2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigG
Yes nice idea there... a compilation or culling of these means and methods for comarison and choice will be good..

Agree, good idea! :)

Rick 14th September 2010 06:51 PM

So, how's this working out for you guys ?
Are you gathering data ?
I added a couple to the 'Classics' that Jussi pointed out .

Jussi M. 14th September 2010 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
So, how's this working out for you guys ?
Are you gathering data ?
I added a couple to the 'Classics' that Jussi pointed out .


I guess best would be to form a new thread for each category by quoting from existing threads that sometimes may go a bit off the target at times. This way we would have threads that stay on topic. Problem is who´s gonna do it? I would but as I have no experience to judge what should go in and what should not I´ll excuse myself for the benefit of everybody else ;)

Another way is to simply add threads that have information on the topic under the classics as already done. – An occasional posting off the topic (from this point of view) on such a thread is not going to hurt no-one I guess.

Other ways? I do not know. Ideas, anybody?



rasjid 15th September 2010 04:12 PM

sticky notes
If I may suggest, may be the moderator can make a sticky notes with links, similar to Ethnographic Weapons forum?

If we or someone summarize a discussion, will be very difficult. Interesting threads can be formed/ grouped together into one link, for easier access?


sirek 15th September 2010 07:24 PM

Perhaps the forum should be divided into clearly defined categories where questions can be asked, and information can be requested by subject. :shrug:

Maybe categories such as:

-keris Identification
-Handling, Cleaning & Care.
-Other questions, tips and interesting links.
-Photo Gallery forum members :D

A. G. Maisey 16th September 2010 12:45 AM

That's not a bad idea Sirek.

An index.

Group things together, provide links to the threads.

The index could cover identification as well as repair and restoration.

Yeah. Good idea.

I reckon our moderators would be very eager to undertake this task --- something to do on long winter nights when the snow is falling down and the wind is howling. Or maybe some community conscious kerisophile in Europe might like to do it. We can rule out the Land of Oz, no cold winter nights, no snow, and anyway, we're all barbarians down here, we would lack the necessary cultural refinement to undertake such a culturally important mission.

Rick 16th September 2010 02:00 AM

Yes ..
$50.00 US per hour might do it; thank you . :p

Suggest as is posted in the Classics thread .

You fellas go find worthy threads and submit them to us poor overworked volunteer buggers you call your Moderators ... :p ;) :D !!

You get what you pay for . :D :D

BigG 16th September 2010 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rick
$50.00 US per hour might do it; thank you ...

You get what you pay for.

:D :D :D

David 16th September 2010 04:18 AM

You're generous Rick. My rates run higher... ;) :D

Rick 16th September 2010 03:25 PM

I just push a broom around in here and take out the trash . ;) :D

sirek 16th September 2010 06:56 PM

Also very useful would be a database of pamors.

So that the knowledge currently available, is not lost in the future.

I myself found out that not everything what is written in books is based on facts: (
and it is because of existing knowledge, i have received the correct information.

And I can imagine if the people with the knowledge contribute to this plan there arises a sort of reference guide with photos and descriptions. :)
This can eventual be divided into: stripe –pamor, leaf-pamor etc. or search by name.

But these are just ideas, I am not sure if anyone could make this happen. :shrug:

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