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CharlesS 3rd June 2010 08:52 PM

A Nice Example of a Melayu Kriss
3 Attachment(s)
Similar to a Moro kriss, with a touch of Indonesian influence, this a classic example of a Melayu kriss from the Malay peninsula, or possibly Borneo. The craftsmanship of the blade is superb, the lines both beautiful and precise. Note the unique ferrule. The hilt is of two piece wood construction, the lower portion resembling ebony. Note the precision of the fit.

Lew 3rd June 2010 09:14 PM

Charles I can see you have been very busy as of late ;) this is just wonderful as are your other recent acquistions. The question is where do you find these things? :D

David 3rd June 2010 09:43 PM

Lovely Charles! I am debating transferring this over to the Keris forum since it is clearly an Indonesian animal. :)

ThePepperSkull 3rd June 2010 09:44 PM

I always admire how graceful the lines are in older pieces like this - especially in the Gandik (elephant trunk) area of older moro kris/keris sundang from sulu and brunei. Once you get towards WWII they are still beautiful, but have somewhat become more abrupt and rigid as opposed to resembling smoother like its more diminutive cousin, the Keris.

Sajen 3rd June 2010 10:36 PM

Awesome blade and fittings! :) :)

Battara 4th June 2010 04:40 AM

What a nice piece. Are the fittings swassa?

ThePepperSkull 4th June 2010 05:53 AM

They do look like suasa.

What do you think about the date of this piece, Battara? and where do you think exactly this was made? was the blade possibly made in a different location than the hilt/scabbard/fittings?

Battara 4th June 2010 07:10 AM

I'm with Charles, I think this is Malay peninsula and perhaps 19c.

CharlesS 4th June 2010 10:32 PM

Battara the kriss would need to be tested because I am not 100% for sure.

Up close it looks very "coppery", but from a distance it clearly differentiates itself from copper with a more typical swassa who knows :shrug: , but it is certainly an alloy of some type.

ThePepperSkull 6th June 2010 06:11 PM

I just had to comment again on how lovely I find this piece!

Are there any other examples that look quite like this? Each Kris Sundang Melayu I see is so diverse and there always seems to be a new style that I am unfamiliar with. I thought Moro kris were pretty diverse to begin with, and now seeing all of the Malay Kris I have never seen before makes me wonder how wide a range the designs can go.

Thanks again for posting this piece, charles! And if anyone has any similar pieces they'd like to showcase, I would love to see them!

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