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hanggoye 3rd June 2010 03:37 AM

keris bugis
10 Attachment(s)
i got this keris complete with this terengganu fitting and also with ivory hilt.

any comment and opinion are welcome...


Jentayu 3rd June 2010 02:25 PM

Indeed a very nice keris you got there, Nash. Congrats!

Gustav 3rd June 2010 07:42 PM

Careful and interesting pamor work. A pity about Kembang Kacang, looks like a repair/replacement.

Is the hilt within the standards of good malayan workmanship? Is it being cleaned in some way?

Sajen 3rd June 2010 10:30 PM

Sorry, the hilt doesn't look like ivory/gading. :confused: From the pictures I would guess Tridacna at the carvings coloured.

Very nice blade! :)

hanggoye 4th June 2010 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Gustav
Careful and interesting pamor work. A pity about Kembang Kacang, looks like a repair/replacement.

Is the hilt within the standards of good malayan workmanship? Is it being cleaned in some way?

gold that you seen is not use for repaired the kembang kacang but only used to cover the original kembang kacang..if you pull it off, you can see the original kembang kacang behind it..that what some people told me when they saw this blade..

this hilt is called pipit of the favorite hilt in terengganu..this hilt is new made i think and the material is ivory

hanggoye 4th June 2010 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sajen
Sorry, the hilt doesn't look like ivory/gading. :confused: From the pictures I would guess Tridacna at the carvings coloured.

Very nice blade! :)

this hilt is made from new ivory..i dont know if its colored or not..but the material is from ivory..

tq sajen

Gustav 5th June 2010 11:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just for fun, probably the same workshop for the sarung:

Marcokeris 5th June 2010 03:42 PM

:eek: great pamor :)

hanggoye 5th June 2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gustav
Just for fun, probably the same workshop for the sarung:

agree..same workmanship for the sarung..

hanggoye 5th June 2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Marcokeris
:eek: great pamor :)

thanks marco...any idea what type of pamor is this??

Marcokeris 5th June 2010 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by hanggoye
thanks marco...any idea what type of pamor is this??

it seems to have reflection pattern

Sajen 5th June 2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by hanggoye
this hilt is made from new ivory..i dont know if its colored or not..but the material is from ivory..

tq sajen

You have it in your hands and I am sure that you know what you have. :)
I only write what it looks like from the picture.



Sajen 6th June 2010 03:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by hanggoye
thanks marco...any idea what type of pamor is this??

The pamor is not clearly to seen at your pictures. Is it similar with this one?

PenangsangII 7th June 2010 04:38 AM

salam hormat,

Hanggoye's keris looks like an attempt to create "kedakan" effect of the blade pamor surface. However, the "kedakan" effect on mostly Jawanese blade, is different than this example. The Jawanese kedakan effect is smooth on the surface, but the effect can be seen like wavy pattern.

IMHO, a "confused" way to create pamor kedakan is by filing the blade across the blade, and the effect is the blade's surface becomes wavy.....

ganjawulung 7th June 2010 11:40 PM

We call it, "pamor tritikan" or known by most of keris people in Jawa as "untu walang" (I don't know why they call it as "grass hopper teeth" like this...). What is in Bugis term? Or Malay term?


BluErf 8th June 2010 11:37 AM

I hear people say 'gigi yul'. :)

Alam Shah 9th June 2010 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by BluErf
I hear people say 'gigi yul'. :)

In Malay, it's called 'gigi yu', (sharks's teeth)..

PenangsangII, I do not understand what is 'kedakan'? Perhaps you may want to elaborate it. Thanks.

PenangsangII 10th June 2010 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Alam Shah
In Malay, it's called 'gigi yu', (sharks's teeth)..

PenangsangII, I do not understand what is 'kedakan'? Perhaps you may want to elaborate it. Thanks.

kedakan is a method of creating wavy look on smooth blade surface... the pamor materian and iron are hammered from certain position (unlike the normally downward strike) to create some kind of folding look, and file it again so that the blade surface is even. So, it only looks wavy but the surface is even/smooth.

Alam Shah 11th June 2010 01:41 PM

Thanks PenangsangII for the info.. :)

Moshah 12th June 2010 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by PenangsangII
The Jawanese kedakan effect is smooth on the surface, but the effect can be seen like wavy pattern..

Agreed...Javanese / Palembang kedakan looks like it has a "bumpy" surface but it is definitely smooth to the touch. It is like a color tricks.

BluErf 12th June 2010 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Alam Shah
In Malay, it's called 'gigi yu', (sharks's teeth)..

Ack! :p Thanks for pointing out correct spelling. :D

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