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semar 26th December 2009 11:39 AM

Parang Nabur for sharing or comment
6 Attachment(s)
I have never see a Parang Nabur with pamor

regards semar

Aleksey G. 26th December 2009 12:14 PM

Nice!!!!!! what a beaut! I like the hilt too, great detail.
What is the blade length on this one?

mohd 26th December 2009 03:42 PM

Beautiful piece Semar! I think it's a sort of pamor miring. What type of pamor miring is that? Pamor Walang Sinuduk?


David 26th December 2009 03:58 PM

Sweet! :)

semar 26th December 2009 04:47 PM

hello Alex
the lengte of the parang is from the tip to the end of the hendel
en the lengte of the blade
I think aboud the pamor he looks like iris pandan

Sajen 26th December 2009 08:12 PM

Beautiful sword! Is the end of the sheat from leather?

semar 26th December 2009 08:30 PM

hello sajen

yes the end of the sheat is whit leather

regards semar

asomotif 26th December 2009 09:59 PM

Interesting Piece Hans.

Considering the style and quality of the handle I would say that this Parang Nabur handle might be between 1850 - 1900.
But is the blade also that old ?
The age of the blade is difficult for me to judge because it has recently been washed and oiled.

Maybe there are other forumites who can judge such a blade based on the pamor characteristics / quality ?

Rick 27th December 2009 01:34 AM

Never seen a pamor blade in one of these before .

Is the blade a new replacement ? :confused:

VVV 27th December 2009 09:19 AM

Interesting sword.
I noticed it too when it was offered but I had this hunch that it was a, maybe Bali,
later combination with the pamor blade and the end of sheath.
It's strange that the blade just follows the contours of a Beladah Belabang-blade
but there aren't the usual cut out characteristic details?
Also that the top "half-wing screw" isn't replaced when everything else seems to be restored?


asomotif 28th December 2009 11:45 AM


Interesting observation on the half wing screw.
I wonder why there are no other reactions.
Are the forumites too nice to give comments that contain some criticism,
or are we just getting scared that replying might be educating the people who construct this kind of weapons. :shrug:

Should we indeed be scared that next time they will add some "cut outs" and fix the half wing screw. :shrug: :cool:

Best regards,

semar 28th December 2009 01:11 PM

willem what do you meaning aboud the screw sorry for my bad engels


Marcokeris 28th December 2009 01:50 PM

Very very nice sword!!! :)

Henk 28th December 2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by semar
willem what do you meaning aboud the screw sorry for my bad engels


Semar what Willem means by the winged screw is een schroef met vleugels zoals je die ziet op het eind van het heft van de parang Nabur. Volgens mij heb je zo'n parang nabur met zo'n eind schroef in je bezit.

Sorry for this dutch phrase, but i explaned Semar that he had to look at a parang nabur in his collection. If i recall well this parang had a winged screw.

semar 28th December 2009 06:59 PM

oke henk thank you


asomotif 28th December 2009 08:55 PM

Hello Hans,

Yes, as Henk says, a kind of "vleugelmoer" (winged screw).

You have 2 very nice examples on your website where they are still present.

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