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Kubur 26th March 2015 12:37 PM

Show us your Powder flask
I noticed very few threads about powder flasks and bullet containers.
Do you have some nice Ottoman / Persian stuff to share?

stelio 28th March 2015 11:10 AM

Greek ottoman palaskas
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Four greek ottoman bullets case (palaskas).first half 19 century.

Robert 29th March 2015 02:07 AM

As this subject and the items that will be discussed here are more weapons related and not actually weapons themselves I am moving this thread to the Ethnographic Miscellania forum.


BANDOOK 31st March 2015 06:42 AM

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Kubur 1st April 2015 09:06 AM

Dear Stelio & Rajesh,

Thanks, they are great stuff.
I will post tonight a palaska, a Moroccan primer flask and a Mughal powder flask.
Rajesh, I think your first one is Moroccan (I'm sure in fact).


Kubur 1st April 2015 09:09 AM

You have a coin dated from 1336/ 1917 on it.
So the powder flask should be from 1917 or a little bit later.

BANDOOK 1st April 2015 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kubur
You have a coin dated from 1336/ 1917 on it.
So the powder flask should be from 1917 or a little bit later.


Norman McCormick 1st April 2015 11:35 PM

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A couple more Palaskes.

Kubur 1st April 2015 11:39 PM

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Here I post two bullet containers, Ottoman, Bulgarian I think.
Tomorow the powder flasks...
For the muskets and matchlock, I think you should open a thread on
Indian matchlock, another on Arabian longuns and may be another one on Ottoman muskets. I will try to fill the threads if Ihave something to put in... ;)

kahnjar1 3rd April 2015 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Dear Stelio & Rajesh,

Thanks, they are great stuff.
I will post tonight a palaska, a Moroccan primer flask and a Mughal powder flask.
Rajesh, I think your first one is Moroccan (I'm sure in fact).


I agree with Kubur.....#1 is definitely Moroccan.

BANDOOK 3rd April 2015 08:55 AM

North african flask and shot measures
2 Attachment(s)
1-A NORTH AFRICAN POWDER-FLASK, to mid to late 19th century, the horn body strongly curved, with white-metal embossed mounts and hinged lid with lozenged spout
2- TWO BRASS NORTH AFRICAN POWDER OR SHOT MEASURES, mid to late 19th century, probably Moroccan

stelio 4th April 2015 10:40 PM

ottoman grease carrying case photos
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My opinion from a little bronze boxes is a ottoman crease carrying cases and the other is a powder measure.

Berkley 5th April 2015 04:49 AM

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A type reputedly based on a camel scrotum. Whether or not the origin is apocryphal , it does lend itself to easier refill, and has a larger capacity than many other designs.

kahnjar1 5th April 2015 05:53 AM

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Was going to wait before showing these but the thread is growing...............
By the way Berkley what about a full length of that Jezail..............
Assuming the pics line up ..
#1 Omani Wooden Flask
#2 Brass Arabian/North African
#3 Omani Talahiq Silver with gold decoration
#4 Silver Indo/Arab Primer flask
#5 Omani/Arabian Copper with brass decoration
#6 Omani with silver decoration
#7 Indian Barutdan...the cork of course is not original!! I should also add that this item is not here yet and the pic is the sellers hence the small size. Once it arrives I will post a better pic


rickystl 5th April 2015 05:32 PM

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hello everyone. I have not been Posting or starting new Treads here on the Forum for a long time. So I need to get back into the Party. :)
Those are some really nice powder and bullet containers posted above. Thanks for sharing.
Here is my collection of Ethno powder and bullet containers. I can describe each, but most of them will be familiar to you.

Bandook: That is a good idea. If all of us on this Tread will post pics of their Ethnographic firearms, I believe we could all enjoy a good time. There's not that many of us that are interested in the guns. Most are interested in the blades and armour (I don't blame them). My special area of interest are the Balkan/Ottoman/Turkish/Greek, etc. flintlock firearms. Some I have have been restored to firing condition. :D I've only posted a couple in the past, but have many more if you are all interested. Would also like to see your guns! What do you all think? Thanks, Rick.

rickystl 5th April 2015 05:33 PM

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A couple more pics of the Turkish belt buckle.

Kubur 5th April 2015 07:15 PM

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Woaw, Omani powder flask, Ottoman belts...Just so beautiful
I add
One Ottoman powder flask with a stamp
Probably for the silver parts (please see the thread about algerian bishaq)
One primer flask from Afghanistan
One powder flask from Pakistan, probably Mughal
One Ottoman powder measure
One Ottoman bullet box
One Moroccan primer flask...
BUT after the thread on the Kohl flasks, I wonder if my primer flask is not in fact a khol flask...What do you think Khanjar?
All the best,

Kubur 5th April 2015 07:22 PM

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The pictures

rickystl 5th April 2015 08:02 PM

Oh Great!! Even more. All beautiful!! Thanks Kubar for Posting. Hope we see some more. There are more of these collected here on this Forum than I first thought. Great.
Do you think there would be enought interest if I started a new Thread with a different Ethno gun each week? Thanks, Rick.

kahnjar1 5th April 2015 08:20 PM

Kohl or Primer??
Hi Kubur,
I assume you are referring to the last pic that you show? As you do not show size of the item, or if there is a "wand" inside, I can not comment on what it actually is. IF there is a wand inside then it is a Kohl pot. The loops on the outside would perhaps suggest that it IS a Kohl but then they could also be for a suspension cord I suppose.

Norman McCormick 5th April 2015 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by rickystl
Oh Great!! Even more. All beautiful!! Thanks Kubar for Posting. Hope we see some more. There are more of these collected here on this Forum than I first thought. Great.
Do you think there would be enought interest if I started a new Thread with a different Ethno gun each week? Thanks, Rick.

Hi Rick,
Nice to see you back :) A different Ethno firearm each week? Why not!

Berkley 5th April 2015 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by kahnjar1
By the way Berkley what about a full length of that Jezail..............

Posted and discussed when first acquired: LINK


Originally Posted by rickystl
I have not been Posting or starting new Treads here on the Forum for a long time. So I need to get back into the Party. :) ...
If all of us on this Tread will post pics of their Ethnographic firearms, I believe we could all enjoy a good time....My special area of interest are the Balkan/Ottoman/Turkish/Greek, etc. flintlock firearms. Some I have have been restored to firing condition. :D I've only posted a couple in the past, but have many more if you are all interested….
Do you think there would be enough interest if I started a new Thread with a different Ethno gun each week?

I would certainly be very interested!

rickystl 5th April 2015 09:02 PM

Hi Norman! How have you been? Yes, I've been away too long.
Those two Greek bullet containers are really nice. The Greek specimens always seem to bring more $ than their Turkish counterparts.
I own a lot of Ethno guns, many in restored shooting condition which some of the Forum members might find interesting. So I guess there is no time like the present. So I'll post the first one today in the Ethno Arms section.
Do you still have that Scottish Snaphaunce? Thanks, Rick. :)

rickystl 5th April 2015 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Berkley
Posted and discussed when first acquired: LINK

I would certainly be very interested!

Hi Berkley. Thanks for the Link. I have some catching up to do. :o
Since you brought up Jazail, I'll start with that one. Thanks, Rick.

kahnjar1 5th April 2015 09:43 PM

[QUOTE=Berkley]Posted and discussed when first acquired: LINK

Hi Berkley,
Old age dulls the mind.....of course I now remember your previous post.

Norman McCormick 6th April 2015 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Norman! How have you been? Yes, I've been away too long.
Those two Greek bullet containers are really nice. The Greek specimens always seem to bring more $ than their Turkish counterparts.
I own a lot of Ethno guns, many in restored shooting condition which some of the Forum members might find interesting. So I guess there is no time like the present. So I'll post the first one today in the Ethno Arms section.
Do you still have that Scottish Snaphaunce? Thanks, Rick. :)

Good thanks Rick and yes I've still got the 'Scottish' snaphaunce and the ball and bits are still in the breech :o I'm really looking forward to your firearms threads :cool:
My Regards,

fernando 7th April 2015 07:17 PM

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I think mine is a Barut Dan. Some say Persian, others say Afghan.
I wonder whether those filed grooves are just decoration or some kind of mark.


kahnjar1 7th April 2015 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by fernando
I think mine is a Barut Dan. Some say Persian, others say Afghan.
I wonder whether those filed grooves are just decoration or some kind of mark.


Nice flask Fernando. How big is it?
I THINK that the marks are only decoration as I have seen similar on other flasks.

Kubur 7th April 2015 11:13 PM

Hi Fernando
I would say Pakistan Afghanistan or even Oman
but definitively not Persian

russel 8th April 2015 01:40 AM

Powder Flask or something else
4 Attachment(s)
This ended on eBay recently, I only submitted a nominal bid and didn't win it. I am not entirely sure what it is. Has anyone seen something similar?

fernando 8th April 2015 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Fernando
I would say Pakistan Afghanistan or even Oman
but definitively not Persian

Amazing; i would swear that both Tirri and Stone call it Persian :confused:

Kubur 8th April 2015 07:55 PM

I see one like yours in Tirri's book.
But this poor Tirri did few mistakes.
Look in Elgood "Arms of Arabia" page 50, you have one like yours from Oman.
If you have the same type between Pakistan, Iran and Oman.
I would say that this powder flask is Balutch.
The Omani had a lot of Balutch soldiers during the 19th c.
Ibrahim should help us for that!!!

kahnjar1 8th April 2015 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
I see one like yours in Tirri's book.
But this poor Tirri did few mistakes.
Look in Elgood "Arms of Arabia" page 50, you have one like yours from Oman.
If you have the same type between Pakistan, Iran and Oman.
I would say that this powder flask is Balutch.
The Omani had a lot of Balutch soldiers during the 19th c.
Ibrahim should help us for that!!!

I think we all probably agree that there are mistakes in Tirri's book, as there are in other publications, but then we are all still learning.
The item shown on page 50 of Elgood's book is indeed very similar to that shown by Fernando, BUT the text does not mention Oman, simply that the items shown are 19th century. No mention is made as to origin.

stelio 8th April 2015 10:37 PM

My opinion is that it has a container for oil cleaning that had for weapons.They think it's middle East in 19 century, maybe from Iran.I think that type use from all middle east area(ottoman empire,balkan country's ,arabia,Persia .

kahnjar1 9th April 2015 06:30 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Was going to wait before showing these but the thread is growing...............
By the way Berkley what about a full length of that Jezail..............
Assuming the pics line up ..
#1 Omani Wooden Flask
#2 Brass Arabian/North African
#3 Omani Talahiq Silver with gold decoration
#4 Silver Indo/Arab Primer flask
#5 Omani/Arabian Copper with brass decoration
#6 Omani with silver decoration
#7 Indian Barutdan...the cork of course is not original!! I should also add that this item is not here yet and the pic is the sellers hence the small size. Once it arrives I will post a better pic


Here is the Barutdan. This one came from the UK and is not one of the many aged??versions currently offered for sale from India.

Kubur 9th April 2015 07:21 PM

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Hi Russel
I found that, Indian powder flask, very similar to yours...

kahnjar1 9th April 2015 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Russel
I found that, Indian powder flask, very similar to yours...

Maybe and maybe not. The item posted by Russel appears not to have any method of latching the top. The powder would just run out. The one you show Kubur seems to have a screw??spout?

russel 10th April 2015 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Maybe and maybe not. The item posted by Russel appears not to have any method of latching the top. The powder would just run out. The one you show Kubur seems to have a screw??spout?

This is from the seller's description:

"The decorative rings around the top hide the fact that the "loop" finial turns to lock or unlock it. If you look at the inside of top you will see an upper and lower flange or tab...the finial turns these to lock it."

kahnjar1 10th April 2015 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by russel
This is from the seller's description:

"The decorative rings around the top hide the fact that the "loop" finial turns to lock or unlock it. If you look at the inside of top you will see an upper and lower flange or tab...the finial turns these to lock it."

That clears up the issue.....Thanks.

fernando 10th April 2015 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by kahnjar1
I think we all probably agree that there are mistakes in Tirri's book, as there are in other publications, but then we are all still learning.
The item shown on page 50 of Elgood's book is indeed very similar to that shown by Fernando, BUT the text does not mention Oman, simply that the items shown are 19th century. No mention is made as to origin.

So where are we getting at, Stu ?
Can i not (even) call it a Barut Dan ?

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