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ThePepperSkull 6th February 2012 08:31 AM

Horn & Silver: a cross-cultural "Go on... show us" thread.
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Browsing through backlogs of this fine forum and through old online auctions, I found that what struck me most as particularly attractive was the stark contrast that Horn hilts have against Silver fittings.

Then the idea stuck in my head to start this thread. I've seen a lot of Horn-Silver combinations from southeast asia all the way to europe and the Middle East. I thought "Why not ask everyone at EAA to showcase what they have?"

I figure if it's worked well with specific weapons, a theme that would cross cultures could certainly be interesting.

So go on... Show us your blades with Horn & Silver fittings!

I'll start: Here's a nice, old Philippine (Luzon) piece for your viewing pleasure.

Battara 6th February 2012 07:44 PM

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What a nice piece with a long blade! Like the silver work.

Here are my 2 pieces:

The first is Tagalog and may be Katipunan (Philippines).

The second is Tejeros Convention (Philippines) and an officer's dagger.

ThePepperSkull 6th February 2012 08:06 PM

Jose, do you still have that Lumad piece that had a horn hilt? i forget if it was yours or if you did restoration work on it. I think you redid the silver on the sheath? In any case, that one was a beautiful horn-silver combo.

Anyone got any indo-persian or Middle eastern examples?

kahnjar1 7th February 2012 03:40 AM

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A few Middle Eastern Jambiya with horn (sadly not rhino) and silver hilts.
Hope this is of interest.
Regards Stu

Norman McCormick 7th February 2012 03:27 PM

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Horn and silver on a Yataghan of mine. Hope this fits the bill.

ThePepperSkull 7th February 2012 05:35 PM

Beautiful pieces, gentlemen. Keep 'em coming!

Robert 7th February 2012 07:15 PM

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Three silver fitted Philippine ( Luzon) daggers with horn grips and a shadrigan bladed barong.

carlos 7th February 2012 08:14 PM

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I love this type of combination,mainly in Pieces from Philippines. These are 2 of my collection. A dagger and a bolo.
I,m sure this post will be perfect to see in the future to be more happy!!
best regards

Sajen 7th February 2012 08:25 PM

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A sewar from Indonesia/Sumatra, handle and crosspiece of the sheath from horn with silver fittings.



Ferguson 7th February 2012 09:01 PM

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A couple of my favorites.

thinreadline 8th February 2012 03:29 PM

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Here is one of my wife's gaucho knives ..

Lew 8th February 2012 08:15 PM

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Here is mine :)

Berkley 9th February 2012 04:07 AM

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A kothimora kukri, the silver-mounted scabbard complemented by a hilt of water buffalo horn, studded with silver pins and encircled by rings of silver.

Sajen 9th February 2012 09:24 PM

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A horn hilted alamang with silver sleeves at the handle and at the sheath.

Battara 10th February 2012 12:35 AM

Berkely nice to see you again. Great kothimora! love the silver pins!

Sajen never saw an alamang with silver like that before.

Spunjer 10th February 2012 03:59 PM

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horn and silver, from the three main islands:
dagger from luzon
binangon from visayas
gasah and kalis from mindanao (sulu)

Sajen 10th February 2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Spunjer
horn and silver, from the three main islands:
dagger from luzon
binangon from visayas
gasah and kalis from mindanao (sulu)

Wow! :eek:

ThePepperSkull 10th February 2012 08:18 PM

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I've heard this twice now -- The older form "pira" is colloquially known among Yakan today as Gasa? It's nice to know that there is a distinction rather than "Pira" and "Older-form pira". Thank for sharing, ron!

What's the story behind the Brass-bladed Luzon dagger? I only know anectodal reasons behind why these were made (Brass and copper being the only thing that can harm or ward off evil spirits), but aside from hearsay among my titos I don't know the actual reason why (Practical or religious/superstitious)

That Sulu kris is great as well (Actually, All of those are pretty great!) . I have a Sulu piece coming to me (When the payments clear) with a similar hilt, albeit newer than the blade.

I have yet to hold it in-hand but I cannot wait till I can. I actually think this one was discussed in these forums a while back before I became its owner. Check it out:

Spunjer 10th February 2012 10:20 PM

The blade remains a mystery, dave. Like you, i've heard growing up that brass or copper tends to lean towards the supernatural.
So that's where the kalis went! Congrats on snagging that one! I was contemplating on that one as well, but it came out at the wrong time, lol...

ThePepperSkull 11th February 2012 07:08 AM

Sold some of my collection to pay for it (and am still making payments) but it is a piece that I think is well worth it. The older form half waves are my favourite, and like I said in the opening post, I find horn and silver fittings particularly beautiful. To be its current caretaker (can you really own something that will outlive you? I think not) is a priviledge.

I'm sure most of you feel the same way about your pieces. Why else would we obsess over them? :shrug:

Lew 11th February 2012 04:02 PM

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Here is a small Kris dagger I picked up last year with silver and horn.

Ferguson 12th February 2012 01:40 AM

Sweet dagger Lew. :)

ThePepperSkull 21st April 2012 06:06 AM

Beautiful examples, everyone!

Any more Middle Eastern pieces? I am very interested!

paolo 21st April 2012 02:26 PM

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here are the closeups of my two yataghan.

paolo 21st April 2012 02:28 PM

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And here other from Archipelago and Philippine.

paolo 21st April 2012 02:31 PM

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The last one from Burma.

Sajen 21st April 2012 03:35 PM

Very nice pieces Paolo! :)

This thread should be attached to the Classic Threads!

David R 21st April 2012 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sajen
Very nice pieces Paolo! :)

This thread should be attached to the Classic Threads!


ThePepperSkull 24th May 2012 10:11 AM

Absolutely beautiful, gentlemen!

It's veryinteresting to see Horn being used on all these different blades. the Yataghans in particular are of particular interest to me as I have the least experience with/knowledge of them.

JeffS 8th March 2025 08:09 AM

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Ha, found this old thread from back in the day when we weren't afraid to have a little fun around here :) ! Let's get it going again!

drac2k 8th March 2025 03:16 PM

Absolutely exciting for me to see pictures of these hidden treasures come to light!

David 8th March 2025 03:39 PM

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Pertinax 8th March 2025 05:00 PM

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I'll put in my 5 cents too :)

carlos 8th March 2025 05:15 PM

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More pictures to the post, my bolo.

Maurice 8th March 2025 06:54 PM

Gayo Amanremoe silver and suassa
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Maurice 8th March 2025 06:56 PM

Achenese Roedoïh, silver sleeve
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