Alan, I read a little bit in some pages at the net to get some informations. Antique is on the most pages described by an age fom 100 years + but also for example by furniture of Art Deco periode which can't be old like this. Since antique is old in latin language and you want to take it by the word have to be "old" more than 100 years old. But when you look to other items which are collected by people and often described as "old" you can't use this parameter. I am with Kai Wee by this, twenty years can be "old". I have had a look again to the sold items from this seller and I think that most of the items are described as old are more than 50 years old. But I have to say that I can be wrong by this since the pictures are not very clear. |
I don't think i would ever refer to a 20 year old keris as "old". I would probably call it "contemporary". I would also like to remind everyone that Alan's question is an independent one, not based on this seller's eBay list. Let's keep the seller out of the conversation please. :) |
David, I'm afraid that I am compelled to mention the seller again.
My original post where I mentioned the seller's other items was out of order. I apologise unreservedly for this. I was and am unaware of the seller's identity, and when I went to ebay and clicked "sellers other items" I got a list of items that I have since found were not related in any way to the seller of Sajen's hilt. However, although this ebay glitch did cause an error in the wording of my original post, I do consider the question I raised a valid one, but in no way related to Sajen's hilt, nor to the seller of it. |
And what you think about the Coteng hilt? |
Agree complete with you that a twenty years "old" keris is a contemporary keris. What I want to say with my previous post is that it can be a matter of opinion and the item by it's own what is declared as "old" or "antique". And again in regards to keris I would say that it is ok to declare a 50 years old keris as old or older. |
Hopefully when you recieve this you can post some better photos of the hilt and blade. The Coteng hilt appears authentic and of some age (whatever that means :rolleyes: ;) :D ), but the photos are really poor and making any real assessments here is difficult. |
Every comment is welcome! ;) That the pendokok isn't the correct form is clearly to seen. But you are right, let us wait until I have received the keris and I can take some pictures from the hilt and also pictures how the blade fit inside the sheath. But I am hopeful that all parts are with good age and to my eyes it seems that all parts are from Peninsula. |
The Coteng hilt I want to use together with the Malay Bugis blade (the one with the broken kembang kacang) with my Coteng sheath from #3 in this thread. Do you think that this is matching? Thank you again and best regards, Detlef |
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/attach...id=55973&stc=1 http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showthread.php?p=99490 The Coteng hilt is not matching with the Malay Bugis blade.. If possible, try to get a 'chenok' type blade.. see attached linked pic. http://pachome1.pacific.net.sg/~dspf/coteng%20blade.jpg (Paul De Souza's example).. Hope it helps.. :D |
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Special to to differentiate between the Bugis-style sampirs is very very difficult for me, maybe I start a own thread for this since I think that I am not the only confused member. The blade with the broken kembang kacang coming with a other Malay sheath. But it's apparent that they don't belong together since the blade is to strong/thick for the sampir. I think that this Sampir is a Terengganu style sampir. See pictures. |
Hello Alam, I am a little bit pacified since it seems that I have learned here already. Thank you for the nice example you have showed. :) |
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I received some days ago the keris with the Coteng hilt. The keris byself I will show later in a seperate thread since I think it's a very outstanding one. Until now it wasn't possible to open the hilt from the blade, I think this will need some days by candlelight! :D
But here some first pictures of the Coteng hilt. After some research here and in Spirit of Wood I think that it is a very old Coteng hilt, for example it's missing the hiasan badan carvings at the sides. It's a very plain example with a straight nose. It seems also that the hilt have get a coat of varnish by time over his old patination. Please let me know what you think about this hilt. Thank you very much in advance and enjoy the pictures. |
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Just want to show the restored sheath.
Nice work!
Still, the sheath is blade-less until now? That's a three-years' celibacy indeed :shrug: |
Yes, still blade-less! :( :mad: Can need three years more! :D |
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Finally the keris is completed. The hilt get a bath in benzine to remove the coating from shellac, the nose has had two repairs with wood filler, maybe the reason for the shellac coating. And I have used the Malay blade with the broken kembang kacang since this blade fits nearly perfect the scabbard.
Here some pictures. |
Hi Detlef,
a beautiful piece, no difference to a 100% original coteng for my eyes. The blade fits perfect into the scabbard, very nice combination! I hope, you will find the silver coteng, that you are looking for such a long time in the near future. I will show my coteng with an old european restauration here until the scabbard is back from the jeweler. Best wishes, Roland |
thank you for your kind words! :) I am not really sure if this is a correct blade for a coteng. :shrug: Regards, Detlef |
Good efforts after a long time!
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