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A.alnakkas 23rd November 2011 02:35 PM


thats one pretty hilt! the decoration reminds of the ones on pulwars!

Full pictures please :-)

Rick 23rd November 2011 05:18 PM

Full Pictures

Originally Posted by A.alnakkas

thats one pretty hilt! the decoration reminds of the ones on pulwars!

Full pictures please :-)

Yep !
Cough 'em up ! :)

Gavin Nugent 24th November 2011 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Stan S.
Since this thread had been revived and having a great interest in Indian swords, I would like to share a little theory of mine on the manufacture/decoration of tulwar hilts. This is based solely on inspecting a number of identically shaped hilts with greatly varying styles and quality of decoration, and on having a first hand experience dealing with small merchants and manufacturers in India.

As was pointed out by other members, I too would like to venture a guess that hilts, while made in quantity of different styles and sizes, were not embellished before the sale. A customer would choose a particular hilt and if his budget allowed, it would be sent to a coftgari artist (often operating next door to the hilt maker/swordsmith’s shop) where a design would be hand carved into the steel and inlaid with silver or gold. Hence a coftgari artist is essentially a jeweler. Alternatively, a buyer could save a bunch of rupees by going with a plain hilt. Considering a ridiculously low cost of labor (true to this day) and metal for plain hilts being readily available and inexpensive even in 17-19th century, the price difference between coftgrai vs. no-coftgari option must have been staggering. It is a concept not really changed by time, as there are still plenty of people who pay thousands of dollars for a piece of flashy jewelry. And in case of decorated tulwar hilts, we are looking at a piece of jewelry that is not only flashy but is also quite deadly :rolleyes:

Some interesting insight there Stan, thanks for sharing.

My understanding of Koftgari application is somewhat different from carving in to the steel but rather an application of precious metals to a roughened surface as seen here done by one of our members;

Bidri work involves the carving/chiseling of surfaces as does Zar Buland.
My understanding is the Bidri applications are finished flush with the surface of the object and the Zar Buland is raised well above the surface.

Lofty, Rick....but it is the topic of hilts in this thread, I don't want to cloud it with other aspects ;)


Stan S. 24th November 2011 03:36 AM


Thank you for correcting me. You are right. There are a few different ways of applying gold or silver inlay. I got a little mixed up in trying to convey a point that inlay was probably done by a different "smith" from the one who made hilts. Even now in India coftgari artists are are a kind of specialized jewelers. They don't make swords but they decorate them working with precious metals rather than forging steel. Then again, this craft was also done on other metal items, such as high quality tablewear, etc., which stands as additional evidence of whoever applied coftgari/bidiri in teh past centuries did not work on weapons exclusively.

redeye 15th February 2012 11:23 AM

Great Post, thanks for sharing , was a good read and learning curve for me

Jens Nordlunde 15th February 2012 09:39 PM

You are a very patient man, waiting so long time for an answer - sorry.
The age of you copper hilt is, to my opinion, 17th to early 18th century.
Sorry that you had to wait so long for the answer.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi 30th July 2013 09:27 PM

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Salaams All ~ Someone mentioned a classic thread on Tulvars and looking back through the Forum library I think the basis for that is here... and to give this one a bump... A great thread !

I have a humble Tulvar ... or two... the last picture shows Ethiopian blades(German) mounted on Tulvar hilts.

I hope Jens can also steer us on this one ...

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.

Jens Nordlunde 30th July 2013 09:51 PM

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Yes it is an interesting thread, but let me round it up with this.
Many millions of hilts were made over centuries - how many have we left?
Most of the hilts were very plane, while others were nicely made and also nicely decorated.
How many of the very plane hilts has survived? Some, but not many, or if they have, they are late - the older ones would have been melted down to make new hilts/blades.
New hilts are made, and made to look old, either by chemicals or but burrying them in cow dung. Some even have the original, thin, decoration removed, and a new gold koftgari decoration applied - all very nice, but not for a collector.
Many buys from pictures only, and cant see through this - what a pity.
PS. Here is a better picture of the tulwar hilt Ibrahiim showed - I hope it is all right that I lightened it a bit?

Ibrahiim al Balooshi 31st July 2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
Yes it is an interesting thread, but let me round it up with this.
Many millions of hilts were made over centuries - how many have we left?
Most of the hilts were very plane, while others were nicely made and also nicely decorated.
How many of the very plane hilts has survived? Some, but not many, or if they have, they are late - the older ones would have been melted down to make new hilts/blades.
New hilts are made, and made to look old, either by chemicals or but burrying them in cow dung. Some even have the original, thin, decoration removed, and a new gold koftgari decoration applied - all very nice, but not for a collector.
Many buys from pictures only, and cant see through this - what a pity.
PS. Here is a better picture of the tulwar hilt Ibrahiim showed - I hope it is all right that I lightened it a bit?

Salaams Jens Nordlunde~ Thank you very much for lightening the picture ...Much obliged...Tussen Takk skall du har..

Ibrahiim al Balooshi. :shrug:

Ibrahiim al Balooshi 3rd August 2013 08:13 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Salaams all Note to Forum "Then suddenly it started raining Tulvars" Here are a few I picked up this week. The coin is a silver rupee presumably added relatively recently .. There are two groups of dots on the blade; the first group of 4 sets of 3 set out in a rectangle and the second set of 3 spaced out dots forming a triangle to the right of shot. Feel free to comment please. :shrug:

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi 3rd August 2013 08:16 AM

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Salaams ~and another....

ariel 3rd August 2013 12:54 PM

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Quite sometime ago I posted here a Tulwar hilt of an unusual design: deep cup with a massive baluster arising from the bottom. It was very reminiscent of the classic Sumatran Piso Podang handle. A similar one was published by Elgood in his "indian" book as an example of an "important" sword ( and there even was a lively discussion on what is "important":-) )

Jens was kind enough to tell us that this was a type of a handle encountered before 17th ( or even earlier) century, and even provided an illustration from Hamzanameh.

Just for the reference I post here pics of that hilt next to the Piso Podang one.

ariel 3rd August 2013 12:56 PM

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Well, recently I found another one, with even more exaggerated pattern, and even more resemblance to the Sumatran example.

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