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Spiridonov 3rd December 2011 11:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The barrel of absolutely similar type ( handgonne from Kalmar (Sweden))

Spiridonov 3rd December 2011 04:18 PM

4 Attachment(s)
absolutely unique barrel (I have never seen this type before)

fernando 3rd December 2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Spiridonov
absolutely unique barrel (I have never seen this type before)...

Ah, the type of cannon i would like so much to have :shrug: .


Matchlock 3rd December 2011 06:53 PM

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Hi Alexander,

The shape of this mid-15th c. tiller barrel without showing an accentuated, reinforced breech is highy unusual indeed. There is another, similar though preserved in the famous Princely collection at Konopiste Castle, Czechia: tiller stock missing, barrel ca. 1450, length 49.5 mm, cal. 39 mm!


Spiridonov 3rd December 2011 07:27 PM

Thank You for sharing! Have it chamber or not?

Matchlock 3rd December 2011 07:31 PM

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I marked the touchhole which markes the beginning of the breech (powder chamber); behind it is the tiller socket (now empty).


Spiridonov 3rd December 2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Matchlock
I marked the touchhole which markes the beginning of the breech (powder chamber); behind it is the tiller socket (now empty).


I mean chamber tapering inside of barrel (Like on Tannenberg handgonne). This barrel both was made with very high quality and have a very thin sids. We can see similar barrels on this Spanish tapestry

fernando 3rd December 2011 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Spiridonov
... We can see similar barrels on this Spanish tapestry ...

You mean Portuguese :cool:

Spiridonov 3rd December 2011 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by fernando
You mean Portuguese :cool:

Of course, I'm sorry :D

Matchlock 4th December 2011 12:28 AM

[QUOTE=Spiridonov]I mean chamber tapering inside of barrel (Like on Tannenberg handgonne). [/QUOTE.

I think this should be actually called a bore narrowing behind a bell-mouthed or widened muzzle.

I have often found this with a lot of 15th c. barrels when exactly measured, e.g. with my own famous haquebut barrel dated 1481, which you yourself handled in my collection. I think it was just an easy method to simplify loading the gun, especially with any kind of shot.

Please ref.:

Anyway, youre doubtlessly right concering the unusually thinness at the bronze muzzle walls - that's really astounding, especially for bronze! Seems to have worked in a way, though ... :eek:


Spiridonov 4th December 2011 08:43 AM

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I think this should be actually called a bore narrowing behind a bell-mouthed or widened muzzle.
Michael I mean not a bore narrowing but this part of barrel:

Matchlock 4th December 2011 04:25 PM

Hi Alexander,

I don't know whether this barrel has a narrowed bore at the breech but regarding its date I doubt it has.


Matchlock 4th December 2011 07:01 PM

7 Attachment(s)
An unusually large (135 cm long) and heavy (ca. 15 kg) wrought iron tiller-socketed haquebut barrel, ca. 1490-1500, sold at the Dorotheum Vienna a few days ago. It fteched more than 9,300 euro.
On top of the end of the socket (tube) you can see the nail hole for fixing the (now missing) tiller. A bit further to the right, there is the touch hole on the right hand side.
As the later-added barrel loops and the hole in the hook indicate, it was alterated for a full stock during its working life, most probably in the 1520's, the Peasants' Wars. It must also have been then that a dove-tailed igniting pan was attached to the touch hole (now missing); the dovetail is still visible.


Spiridonov 30th December 2011 08:20 PM
Michael, I think that 14 is the wrong date. What do You think about this barrel? It dont't looks like european at all :confused:

Matchlock 31st December 2011 03:55 PM

It's of Chinese origin and probably 18th c., that's why it doesn't look European. There are many of these around on the market.


fernando 31st December 2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Matchlock
It's of Chinese origin and probably 18th c., that's why it doesn't look European. There are many of these around on the market.


Oh ... i almost dared to say so myself, but prefered to wait for the master :cool:

Swordfish 2nd January 2012 12:51 PM

2 Attachment(s)
A German bronze hackbut c.1470-1500. Lenght 780 mm,
Bore 20.5 mm Weight 11.8 kg

Matchlock 2nd January 2012 03:12 PM

Good job, Swordfish,

Where is this barrel, which was originally fitted with a tiller stock and later alterated to full-stock, preserved?


Swordfish 3rd January 2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Matchlock
Good job, Swordfish,

Where is this barrel, which was originally fitted with a tiller stock and later alterated to full-stock, preserved?


Unfortunately I don`t know what you mean. The Kronburg hackbut?

Andi 25th January 2013 07:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are two hackbuts from Sweden:
With remains of the wooden shaft. Found in Skåne in the region of Norra Åsum, this one is undated. Barrel 101 cm, calibre 19 mm
Found in Stockholm, dated to the late middle ages. Barrel 106 cm, calibre not mentioned.

fernando 25th January 2013 05:45 PM

Very nice :cool:

Andi 27th September 2013 06:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Two arquebuses, type dated to the 15th century and owned by the Schützengilde (marksmen gilde) of Woldegk, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany est. 1514. No 1 length of 858 mm caliber 22 mm, no 2 length 872 mm caliber 27 mm.

According to the literature both arquebuses were owned by the makrsmen guild since several hundred years and were still used as salute guns in the 1930s.

Matchlock 5th October 2013 03:47 PM

Hi Andi,

According to the clear formal and stylistic criteria that these two hackbut/haquebut barrels show (the one on top with octagonal rear section, long, slender and round mid section and long, octagonal muzzle section, the lower one round throughout but also divided in three stages), and backed up by the general Early-Renaissance stylistic three-stage feeling of their smith(s), they can be safely dated to ca. 1525-30.
Thus, they are no longer Gothic 15th c. specimen.

As they do not seem to have any pans attached to the touch-hole areas, the pans and covers are either missing (in which case traces of their former dovetailing must be seen) or are a highly unusual feature.

For more on such pieces and their dating criteria, please search my threads.


Andi 5th October 2013 10:20 PM

Hello Matchlock! Thanks for your info. Sorry that I posted them in the wrong thread - should we as the moderators or admins to move this replies to the suitable thread?

Matchlock 24th May 2014 08:42 PM

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Hi Andi,

I photoshopped the picture of those two wrought iron haquebut barrels, which, in all probability, were made in Suhl/Thuringia, in about 1530.
However, they do not feature what Alexender called tube fastening, meaning rear sockets for a wooden tiller stock, as that way of stocking a barrel had been outdated by ca. 1500, at the latest.

Is this photo authored/copyrighted by you, or by the Schützengilde Woldegk?


Andi 21st July 2014 07:49 PM

Unfortunately I have no copyright on the image and no further infos on the pieces. I tried to contact the Schützengilde Woldegk and the mayor of the town Woldeg but received no reply till yet. :mad:

Andi 23rd July 2014 07:04 PM

Good news regarding the both hackbuts of Woldegk.

I just received a phonecall of the curator of the local Mühlenmuseum in Woldegk who told me, that both barrel are still existing. One was requisitioned by Regional Museum in Neubrandenburg after WWII and kept during GDR-times. The other one was hidden by him until the 1990 and then passed to Regionalmusuem Neubrandenburgas a permanent loan. I can't wait to visit the Museum in Neubrandenburg.

Spiridonov 8th October 2017 01:13 PM
beskrivning/anteckningar: KM 43044. Handkanon, brons, med skaft av trä; medeltida. Ink. för avkastningen av "Skånebokens fond". Ink. på auktion å fabr. H. Swanbergs vapensaml. i Eslöv d. 25.9.44. Kat. n:r 59
m/l: M
förvärvsomständigheter: Köp 195.00
förvärvad från: Fabrikör H. Swanberg Eslöv
samtidiga förvärv: 43044-43047
Ur utställningskatalogen: Funnen i Åhus hamn. De tidigaste eldvapnen var av denna typ utan lås och kallades ofta för rör. Krutet tändes med en lunta via hålet ovanpå. Kanoner av denna typ användes på fästningsvallar och krävde två personer- en som tände på och en som siktade. Vissa av dessa kanoner hade en hake att hålla mot en mur, för att hindra rekylen, och kallades då hakebössor.
Skaft av trä, pipa av brons.
Med i utställningen "Makt över liv" vapenutställning 2007-.;
Handkanonen sågs av H. Swanberg ffg då han var 8 år, den låg då på en vind i Åhus, hos en person vid namn Delin, (utan egentligt yrke, dog i tuberkulos). Svanberg brukade på somrarna besöka en i Åhus bosatt moster. Det berättades att kanonen hittats i Åhus hamn av en dykare mitt för slottet vid en fartygsundersökning. Lokförare Johansson, brukade köra vexelloket på Åhus station, död för några år sedan (samband med honom?).
Inhämtat av H. Svanberg per telefon den 13/1 1947 ( Av Ragnar Blomquist)
brons; trä
122,6 cm [med träskaft]; 50 cm [utan träskaft]
45 mm
7435 gr [?]

Paddy T. 25th July 2018 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Spiridonov
3 beautiful barrel from Heeresgeschichtliches museum in Wienna. They all made from bronze. Length of upper barrel is about 575 mm. Calibre is about 15 mm. I don't know exactly because i have put my scale through the glass.
Michael, Do You know parameters of he upper handgonne?
p/s it looks like barrels from Bulgaria.

Hi Spiridonov,

These guns have been published in Wilfried Tittmanns PhD thesis (Bochum 2015, unfortunatelly it´s only in German). Following Tittmann the guns from your post are in fact arabian/ottoman weapons, so Bulgaria wasn´t the badest idea. :)

Patrick O. 26th July 2020 11:57 AM

Is this a handcannon or barrel
3 Attachment(s)
I found this between a catch of fish in the noth sea outside de river thames

Philip 27th July 2020 06:27 AM

Interesting! Is there a touchhole drilled into one side of the barrel, at the rear, that connects with the bore? Any markings? How is the smaller-diameter "stem" in back attached -- does it look like a separate piece screwed in or brazed on, or does this thing look like it was cast in one piece? Finally, what kind of alloy do you think the metal is -- bronze, brass, or just copper?

Marcus den toom 27th July 2020 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Patrick O.
I found this between a catch of fish in the noth sea outside de river thames

Hi Patrick,

Interesting piece, could you send me some more HD pictures please?
What is the bore diameter? Looks like a small caliber.
The threaded haft is something i never have seen before either. Very cool piece.

fernando 28th July 2020 05:14 PM

Marcus, are you determining that this is an actual cannon barrel ?

Marcus den toom 28th July 2020 05:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fernando
Marcus, are you determining that this is an actual cannon barrel ?

Could be Nando, though i wouldnt rule a candlestick out either. :)

Here is a picture of a 16th century candlestick. Take away the bottom and top..?

Patrick O. 2nd August 2020 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Marcus den toom
Hi Patrick,

Interesting piece, could you send me some more HD pictures please?
What is the bore diameter? Looks like a small caliber.
The threaded haft is something i never have seen before either. Very cool piece.

Hoi Marcus
The bore hole is 17 mm and on the end close to the thread ther is a small hole and inside as far i can see there are groves

Patrick O. 2nd August 2020 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Philip
Interesting! Is there a touchhole drilled into one side of the barrel, at the rear, that connects with the bore? Any markings? How is the smaller-diameter "stem" in back attached -- does it look like a separate piece screwed in or brazed on, or does this thing look like it was cast in one piece? Finally, what kind of alloy do you think the metal is -- bronze, brass, or just copper?

Hoi Philip
Thre is a small hole at the end the last part close to the thread
Is made from bronze i thinck
As far i can see it looks made in one piece
The last part above the thread is conical made

Marcus den toom 2nd August 2020 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Patrick O.
Hoi Marcus
The bore hole is 17 mm and on the end close to the thread ther is a small hole and inside as far i can see there are groves

Hi Patrick,

Could you show us a picture of the possible touchhole please?

Patrick O. 2nd August 2020 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Philip
Interesting! Is there a touchhole drilled into one side of the barrel, at the rear, that connects with the bore? Any markings? How is the smaller-diameter "stem" in back attached -- does it look like a separate piece screwed in or brazed on, or does this thing look like it was cast in one piece? Finally, what kind of alloy do you think the metal is -- bronze, brass, or just copper?

Hoi Philip
Thre is a small hole at the end the last part close to the thread
Is made from bronze i thinck
As far i can see it looks made in one piece
The last part above the thread is conical made

Patrick O. 3rd August 2020 01:39 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Marcus den toom
Hi Patrick,

Could you show us a picture of the possible touchhole please?

I hope you have something on the fotos

fernando 3rd August 2020 06:23 PM

Looks like a touch hole indeed.

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