Ethnographic Arms & Armour

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Dajak 6th February 2007 02:53 PM

Hi David come to the Netherlands I will bring you to the owner you can try
see if it works I am like to see if something happends to your car you are driving than we now that the story s about this keris is true I don t gonna touch the keris but you and we will see if something happend

I was in Bali on vacation in june/july and met some one from Holland who breaks down the car after he did see the keris and had him in his hands

so let me now when you gonna visit en we take a look if something happend.

I like to now too


David 6th February 2007 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Dajak
Hi David come to the Netherlands I will bring you to the owner you can try
see if it works I am like to see if something happends to your car you are driving than we now that the story s about this keris is true I don t gonna touch the keris but you and we will see if something happend

I was in Bali on vacation in june/july and met some one from Holland who breaks down the car after he did see the keris and had him in his hands

so let me now when you gonna visit en we take a look if something happend.

I like to now too


That would be fun Ben...and i have been wanting to visit the Netherlands for a very long time. Don't know when i can swing it, but i will be sure to let you know. :)

Dajak 6th February 2007 07:22 PM

Ok you welcome any time and let make one thing clear I don t touch it
it will be you and we take an rental car :D :D
just to be sure


Rick 6th February 2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dajak
Ok you welcome any time and let make one thing clear I don t touch it
it will be you and we take an rental car :D :D
just to be sure


Someone must have had one hell of a time getting this keris to the Netherlands from Indonesia ... :eek:

Trains and boats and planes .. :D

Dajak 6th February 2007 08:01 PM

The keris is pictured in an book


David 6th February 2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
Someone must have had one hell of a time getting this keris to the Netherlands from Indonesia ... :eek:

Trains and boats and planes .. :D

Maybe they walked. ;) :)

A. G. Maisey 6th February 2007 08:56 PM

Well, I for one believe that story about a keris that can cause a car breakdown.

Its not only keris that can do this.

I used to own an umbrella that could cause my car to break down.

About 30 or so years ago I lived in an old stone house out at the end of a gravel road, it was about 3 miles to the nearest neighbour, and between my house and the tar road there were 3 or 4 creek crossings.

Nearly every time I left home and put the umbrella in the car, it would stop along the gravel road before I got to the tar. If that umbrella went in the car you could take an even money bet it would break down before I got to the tar, and especially if there was heavy rain, which I reckoned was just the evil spirit in the umbrella being particularly nasty, knowing I'd have to get out in the rain and spray WD 40 everywhere to get going again.

Anyway, when I shifted house, the evil umbrella got lost in moving, and you know what?

Never ever had a breakdown again.

Its not only keris that can have these evil and mischievious entities in them. I know from personal experience that umbrellas, and maybe other things can too.

Amuk Murugul 6th February 2007 10:12 PM

Punten ...
Wilujeng sumadaya.

Hello again,

Animistic/dynamistic beliefs are still alive and well today, having evolved by adapting and cloaking themselves with the trappings of the prevailing belief systems to lend legitimacy/currency.

It follows, that spirits are believed to be able to inhabit not only keris, but, anything (including humans). Thus you have such words as totem, talisman, azimat, jimat, charm, possessed etc. still in current use.

As for belief in the supernatural, well, you only have to look at the presence of dukuns/pawangs/shamans etc. in even devoutly-religious communities (including Western ones:D).


Sampurna rasa ingsun.
Amit mundur ...

David 7th February 2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Amuk Murugul
As for belief in the supernatural, well, you only have to look at the presence of dukuns/pawangs/shamans etc. in even devoutly-religious communities (including Western ones:D).

I just want to point out that there is no reason why a dukun/pawang/shaman would not also be devoutly religious....and that being religious IS in itself a belief in the supernatural. :)

utami 8th February 2007 04:25 PM

interesting topics, read this topics 2 times :)

the way i see, each poster here their own belief, value, experience in this subject, if i may I like to share mine.

I was 9 year olds (1984) when i bought my first badik on the local market ( kramat jati, jakarta) . This local market was my playground because i live near the market. Since that year i was colllected more that 20 pieces. In 1989 my uncle who is a student from pesantren gontor ( Islamic University) come visited my mother. One day he said that i've gifted power and he gave a small keris ( 7 luk, aol 7cm ). He teach me & my brother kind of kanuragan from sunan kalijogo named rok-rok asem. After he left to gontor, i sense many things. one day ( Few month later) , i lost my conciousness, can not remember anything. When i awake, my mother said that i was trance and possessed by something. few days later, a paranormal cleaned amd sealed me up and take my edge collection including that small keris :( He also prohibit me to have any kind of edge weapon.

I followed his advise because i dont want make my mom worried about me :) In 2004, my office hire a kateda trainer for our sports activities. I was join the kateda and learn/practice kateda inner power. Since practicing the kateda I become more sensitive for many things. A closed friends of mine who have powerfull insight ( islamic ) guide me a lot so i could controll the sense. In 2005 i started collecting again :) except for keris.

something i like to share :
- i belief that everyone have potential to "sense" especially for keris or other pusaka. you can check yourself by open your palm, consentrated, place pusaka ( edge ) near palm, concentrated on your palm, you might feel cold/warm/nothing in your palm. the result is vary base on the person & pusaka.
- Their is strong belief / faith for moeslem about power beyond logics base on "KUN FA YAKUN" quranic sentece, its mean "Everything / Anything can happen, if allah want to".
- for me, logics always come first when dealing with other person related to supranatural especially on pusaka. Because they are so many scammer / fraudster that used paranormal / supranatural methode to get the victioms.
- I've meet some person who have powerfull ability, and most of them is very ordinary person. And they tend to hide their ability and very humble & noble person. Most of them also very logical & smart person.

upss, such a long post :(

2 days ago i bought "mengenal keris, senjata magis' masyarakt jawa/ understanding the keris, the magical weapon of javanese" by ragil pamungkas and "Orang jawa, jimat & mahluk halus / Javanesse, talismans & spirit" by anan hajid t. Reading this topics make me want to read these books asap :)


Bill M 3rd January 2019 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Well, I for one believe that story about a keris that can cause a car breakdown.

Its not only keris that can do this.

I used to own an umbrella that could cause my car to break down.

About 30 or so years ago I lived in an old stone house out at the end of a gravel road, it was about 3 miles to the nearest neighbour, and between my house and the tar road there were 3 or 4 creek crossings.

Nearly every time I left home and put the umbrella in the car, it would stop along the gravel road before I got to the tar. If that umbrella went in the car you could take an even money bet it would break down before I got to the tar, and especially if there was heavy rain, which I reckoned was just the evil spirit in the umbrella being particularly nasty, knowing I'd have to get out in the rain and spray WD 40 everywhere to get going again.

Anyway, when I shifted house, the evil umbrella got lost in moving, and you know what?

Never ever had a breakdown again.

Its not only keris that can have these evil and mischievious entities in them. I know from personal experience that umbrellas, and maybe other things can too.

Fascinating! I think this can happen. Great umbrella story. A friend puts a bowl of rice as an offering to his computer, and the computer no longer makes "pig noises" meaning the hard drive can be failing.

My wife can destroy a computer as she often screams at it. I am getting her computer a bowl of rice.

I cannot wear windup watches as they quit working. Even holding a woman's hand made her watch stop.

I read a keris could stop a bulldozer. Sure, in fact it could make a bulldozer do all sorts of jobs IF the blade was held at the operator's neck.

Paramahansa Yogananda was walking in bright sunlight and one of his disciples, with great effort, did magically create a small cloud that made shade for Yogananda.

The teacher turned to the disciple and said, "You could have done much more easily if you just held your umbrella over me. Would you not be of greater benefit if you used your magic powers to help you reach greater enlightenment?"

Anthony G. 3rd January 2019 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Well, I for one believe that story about a keris that can cause a car breakdown.

Its not only keris that can do this.

I used to own an umbrella that could cause my car to break down.

About 30 or so years ago I lived in an old stone house out at the end of a gravel road, it was about 3 miles to the nearest neighbour, and between my house and the tar road there were 3 or 4 creek crossings.

Nearly every time I left home and put the umbrella in the car, it would stop along the gravel road before I got to the tar. If that umbrella went in the car you could take an even money bet it would break down before I got to the tar, and especially if there was heavy rain, which I reckoned was just the evil spirit in the umbrella being particularly nasty, knowing I'd have to get out in the rain and spray WD 40 everywhere to get going again.

Anyway, when I shifted house, the evil umbrella got lost in moving, and you know what?

Never ever had a breakdown again.

Its not only keris that can have these evil and mischievious entities in them. I know from personal experience that umbrellas, and maybe other things can too.

In Chinese myth, umbrella is also a form of 'tool' uses by the 'entities' to hide themselves.

Anthony G. 3rd January 2019 01:55 PM

In spiritual theories, those monks and anyone who practise real 'hardcore' mediation has reached enlightenment and could communicate with the other realms. I am a Catholic by faith and in the year 2004, I visited a shop by chance . I saw a Thai nun inside and she saw me. No questions were asked from me but she advise me to be careful of someone near me, who has dark thick eyebrow and high forehead.

I find her silly but after a short stint in the company, I left. I was a victim of a foul play done by a colleague at office who possess the actual facial description mentioned by the nun.

The other incident involved in the Catholic church member and about spirits, broken crucifix which i do not want to disclose here.

I suppose the universe is big and any possibilities could have happen.

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