This website is dedicated to the traditional handmade edged weapons and armour of many diverse cultures worldwide, some currently, but mostly formerly, in production and use. The index references other noncommercial websites as well as material original to this site.
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espada ancha | ![]() Espada Ancha - Swords of Mexico and Spanish Colonial America |
firearms | American Longrifles (a distinctive American form commonly called 'Kentucky rifles') |
fur trade axes & tomakawks | Fur Trade Axes & Tomahawks by Mark Miller |
cuchillo gaucho (creole knives) |
Gaucho knives: Facón, Daga, Cuchilla and
Puñal by Abel A. Domenech Knives of the Gaucho |
| - Web exhibition including throwing knives, axes, daggers and swords | |
koummya | Koummya - Moroccan Daggers |
takouba | Takouba - Swords of the Saharan Tuareg |
kaskara | Royal Regalia: a sword of the last Sultan of Darfur, Ali Dinar (pdf) by Julie Anderson |
The Sword and Knife Makers of Kassala, Eastern Sudan in September 1984 (pdf) by Edwin Hunley, Ph.D. | |
Kaskara Fuller Styles and Names (pdf) by Edwin Hunley, Ph.D. | |
Kaskara Crossguards /Quillons (pdf) by Edwin Hunley, Ph.D. | |
The Sudanese Kaskara Sword in Silver Dress (pdf) by Edwin Hunley, Ph.D. | |
Kaskara - Broadswords of Sudanic Africa |
Medieval Sword Resource Site (500 - 1500) | |
Features at includes a detailed Oakeshott classification section and much more | |
Rapiers by William Wilson (1500 - 1675) | |
Norway | Norwegian military small-arms & blades (1604 - 1945) ~ including Norwegian Battle Axes |
Poland | Eastern Influences on Polish Arms (pdf) (2007 Timonium Seminar) by Michal Dziewulski |
(Technical Analysis of) Indo-Persian Blades in the Collection of E. Gene Beall by Dr. Ann Feuerbach (pdf) | |
Outside Influences on the Edged Weapons of Indonesia (2009 Timonium Seminar) by Charles Saunders (pdf) | |
khanjar | Khanjar (Omani dagger) and mountings |
shamshir | Shamshir: Traditional Sabers of Islam (Persia , Mughal India and the Arab World) |
peidao | |
Fe Doro Manchu Archery by Peter Dekker | |
dpa dam | Tibetan Swords |
piha kaetta | |
daos | Sword-daos of the Naga and Kachin |
Daos of the Hill Tribes of Assam and Nagaland | |
dha | |
keris | |
Keriscollectie | |
Philippine Islands | Malay World Edged Weapons (Indonesia - Malaysia - Philippines) by Dominique Buttin |
Plates from Krieger's ...Weapons and Armor of the Philippine Islands... (1926) | |
Hinalung & Pinahig: Weapon -Tools of the Igorot | |
nihonto (Japan) | The Japanese Sword by Richard Stein |
Nihonto Message Board | |
tsuba (Japan) |
collections | David Atkinson's Swords and Knives Collection |
Archive of Lew Waldman's Collection of Ethnographic Arms & Armour | |
Notes on the Development of the Machete by Carter Rila | |
Some Edge Weapons With Seldom Encountered Wootz Blades (2009 Timonium Seminar) by Rick Stroud (pdf) | |
Blade Patterns Intrinsic to Steel Edged Weapons |